URL: http://frontiernet.net/~btc8314 

LAST UPDATE: 6/1/2008 4:30AM EDT

This is a mirror server for the core web sites of Bravo Technology Center for redundancy during emergencies. Some information here might be outdated.
  • Our primary server FELI is located in Houston, TX.
  • Our primary mirror server is located in Pennsylvania.
  • This is our secondary mirror (3rd level redundancy), located in Rochester, NY.

In the event our primary server, and primary mirror are inaccessible, this provide us a means to provide support and issue announcements. Please refer to our live sites for up-to-date information.

List of mirror sites:
bravotech.us Bravo Technology Center
bravotech.net (B.O.N.) Bravo Online Network
mach4.bravotech.us Mach-4 Network
instantwebbie.com Instant Webbie Designs
SSSH.us Sonic Streaming Services Host
eyeful-tower.com Eyeful Tower