(some of)
Galen's Nepal Pictures - Kathmandu
View from the hotel room window.

Looking east out a third floor window. The taller rooftops have tanks to store solar heated hot
water. Pretty much all of the hot water is solar heated. Our hotel had an electric water heater
as do most larger hotels, but they don't like to use them.

They were building another story on a building across the street, a standard practise in Kathmandu.
Owners will build two or three stories, stop, occupy and rent the building, then build more stories
when they have money. These guys are moving the pile of gravel up three stories a basketfull at a
time. There are two guys on each of the shovels, one guy uses the handle in the standard way and the
other pulls on a rope attached to the handle at the blade. They both lift the shovelfull of gravel and
dump it in the baskets on those other guys backs and they carry it upstairs.
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