Hi Ken, 

Well known organizations in the USA, International Institutions and many people in high positions expressed very good feelings about this publication, including:             
UN, US senators, Leaders of NY York State and the city of New York, International Jewish organizations. 

As exceptional friend to me you are aware about the most significant events of my life. However, some additional information possibly will be useful.  

You became aware about the  Anniversary Collection (1994-2004) of the Association of Holocaust Survivors of the State of New York. Just a short group of dozens of thousands survivors from the  former USSR shared their personal stories under the Nazi regime. And not just about themselves. Their short words, their feelings and thoughts call us and the future generations to remember the victims in Ghettos and Nazi camps during the WWII and make us thinking about the situation in the World today. What makes this publication special also is the fact that the ordinary reader have access to these terrifying and amazing information in two languages: English and Russian.
Dr. of Economics Izzy - Izyaslav - Darakhovskiy is my close friend for many years. His family's story about the life in a Ghetto and Nazi camp in the Ukraine touched me.  I know him, his wife Valentina, his children, his professional achievements as a researcher, author of a numoures books in English and Russian and international lecturer. I know well his personality.  Recently I became aware  that the years ending with "4" in some way are  special for Izzy.

      -  70 years ago (1944) he was liberated from the Nazi camp;
      -  60 years ago  (1954) he graduated as the student # 1 from high school;
      - 50 years ago (1964) he received University education with honor (Moldova) ;
      - 30 years ago he completed his long-terms research work and received the highest, second doctoral degree in Economics in the former Soviet Union (University of Finance, Sent Peterburg). 
Than his new, the "second" life in the USA (see my bio).
 His productive job for several dozens years in the field of Economics was well recognized. But the years with the "4" are still special. 
One month ago (August 15tn) my friends Izzy and Valentina celebrated their 50 years wedding anniversary. Congratulations! 


               A short bio.

Izzy (Izyaslav) Darakhovskiy, Doctor-Professor of Economics, Author of nine books in English and Russian, Holocaust Survivor.

Izzy Darakhovskiy was born in the Ukraine. He has lived under the conditions of three most powerful countries of the 20th century:  Nazi Germany, Soviet Union (Russia), and the Democratic USA.  For almost 1,000 days his family and he endured the enormous hardship of living in Ghetto and Nazi camp. After the liberation he became was(?) a farmer, soldier, businessman, scientist and author.                      

At age of 57 he and his family immigrated to the USA. Although he spoke several languages, English was not one of them. But in several years he completed  his first book in English, a language he thought he would never learn. For decades Darakhovskiy worked for the Academy of Sciences (head of a Department) and as a university professor, and also in business as Vice President of Union of Entrepreneurs, Russia. In the USA he participated in numerous projects in the field of Economics for American companies and international financial institutions. As an economist he lectured in the USA, France, Germany, Hungry and within Russia. As a lecturer on the topics “Holocaust” and “Social Life in East European Countries and Dictatorship” he was well recognized in New York State and Washington, D.C.  In 2005 he was invited to the United Nations to attend the First International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Darakhovskiy had the honor to be invited to make presentations at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C. (2007 and 2008), Woodrow Wilson Center in the Reagan Building, D.C., universities, schools and professional clubs.  In 2011 he and his family moved from New York State to Seattle (Bellevue).                                                                                                            

                         Some of Dr. Darakhovskiy’s rewards:                                                                                 --Honorary Citizen of the city of Harrisburg, PA, 1990.                                                                                   -Recognized in the List of the most interesting (fascinating) people in Western  New York State, TV channel ABC, 2010 .                                                                                - Academy Price Winner in Economics, USSR, 1980.