Our Very Excellent Adventure
  May 30, 2005
Utica, NY
Links to 
Trip West

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6 
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15




It was a beautiful day, so we set off on an adventure. 

There is a hotdog stand we like near Route 20, and we had a hotdog (D) and an ice cream (me).

When we got to Utica, NY, we decided to check out the zoo.
.   Watering Can Fountain
Just past the entrance is an unusual fountain.
Bactrian Camel on a bad-hair day.
This is a Bactrian Camel. 
He is having a bad hair day,

              This little guy was one of the more active critters we saw.           
Long arms

The llamas are quite tame and are led around the zoo so that they can meet people.

White Llama
Bald Eagle
The bald eagle is an impressive sight.

The Siberian Tigers enjoyed resting in the shade.
They saw little reason to move except to yawn.
 Siberian Tiger
I am NOT a Penguin! When we first saw this, we thought it was a penguin  -  it's not.

I contacted the zoo, and Beth Irons, the Public Relations and Development Director of the zoo provided more information. 
The bird you see is a Night Heron.  He came to us from a Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator.  He was injured in the wild and was able to recover from his injuries, but not to the extent that he would be able to survive on his own in the wild.  (One of his wings does not function properly.)  He has a good time overseeing our turtle collection.
This llama is quite proud of himself, in spite of his underbite.

Llama with underbite
These darling creatures are cockroaches.  The size is amazing.
That is a good-sized petrie dish with lettuce leaves to the right of the two roaches.
There is also one climbing the rock.
Pink Columbine

They put a lot of resources in the landscaping at the zoo. 
Today the columbine is blooming.
From the watering can fountain to the water fountain where you put your head in the lion's mouth, this was an interesting day.

You can get more information about the zoo at UticaZoo.org

We drove around Utica - it is a strange mix of neighborhoods.  Then we found an Indian restaurant and had their buffet luncheon.  It gave us a good mix of things to try.  Lots of fun.
Lion Fountain

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Links to other pages:
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Other interests: 
Ft. Stanwix

Boston Red Sox

Utica Zoo

Leslie designed a webpage for:
Stride of Central New York

Flower and Garden 
Flowers, etc.
Pink and Purple 
June 6, 2000
July, 2000


Flower and Garden 
Animals hummingbirds
robin baby
Insects  - moth pictures - polyphemus
Hummingbird Moth


Oxford House
Tree Disaster
In Autumn    Before/After Exterior
July 98
Christmas 98
Liz/George Wedding
Wendy & Sam
Scranton Reunion
Links to all the Baby pages for Frankie and Peri
Page date 5/30/05