Our Very Excellent Adventure
April 2005
Links to 
Trip West

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6 
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15



The trip began by our drive to Brockport to leave the car and the dog and to get a good night's sleep before the kids drove us to the Buffalo airport for our flight to Las Vegas.   
We flew Southwest Air, because that would give us a non-stop flight. 
They have a strange seating pattern - starting at midnight, you can print out a boarding pass.  I stayed up to do it, but it was futile.  Turns out that David's name appears on the no-fly list, so we had to get our boarding pass when we arrived at the airport.  They immediately cleared him, but it meant we were B boarders (at least, not C !)  There are no assigned seats.  People with an A boarding pass get on first, then B, then C.  We were able to get seats in the first row, which has lots of leg room, but we were on opposite sides of the aisle.

The flight was uneventful, and we arrived on time in Las Vegas.  We took the Alamo Shuttle to get our rental car, a Chevy Trailblazer.  That went fairly smoothly, too, and we were pleased with the car.

It's a long ride, however, and we were glad to get to our Motel.
We stayed in a motel right next to the Boulder Station Casino.  It is one of the more tacky casinos.  We ended up eating at Burger King, would you believe, and made our obligatory contribution to the casino.
The sunset was stunning. 
Motel 6 accepts pets.  There were a lot of dogs.  We spoke to a few owners, and they told us they were in for a dogshow in Henderson.  There were some pretty spectacular dogs.
Now it was time to get used to the time zone change, and get ready for a trek to the desert tomorrow.

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Links to other pages:
Home page

Other interests: 
Ft. Stanwix  Boston Red Sox

Leslie designedB a webpage for:
Stride of Central New York

Flower and Garden 
Flowers, etc.
Pink and Purple 
June 6, 2000
July, 2000


Flower and Garden 
Animals hummingbirds
robin baby
Insects  - moth pictures - polyphemus
Hummingbird Moth


Oxford House
Tree Disaster
In Autumn    Before/After Exterior
July 98
Christmas 98
Liz/George Wedding
Wendy & Sam
Scranton Reunion
Links to all the Baby pages for Frankie and Peri
Page date 4/25/05