ABC Mountaineering Club, Inc.


ARTICLE I - Members

The directors of the corporation prior to the first annual meetings of members and directors may elect members of the corporation.  Thereafter, the members of the corporation may elect further members by a majority vote of a quorum at any duly called meeting of members.  There shall be no more than fifty members.  The membership of a person elected as a member shall become effective upon payment of annual membership dues for the calendar year in which such person is elected.  A member shall serve until the end of the calendar year in which such member is elected; a member may renew his or her membership for a subsequent term of one calendar year by payment of annual membership dues for such subsequent calendar year.  Annual membership dues shall be such amount as the membership determines at a meeting of members.

ARTICLE II - Membership Meetings

The annual meeting of the members of the corporation shall be held on the second Monday in January of each year at the principle office of the corporation in the City of Rochester, New York, at 7:45 o'clock in the evening.  Such regular and special meetings as the membership shall call, shall be held upon due notice to the members.  One third of the membership shall constitute a quorum for any membership meeting.  A majority vote of members present at such a meeting shall be sufficient to implement action.

ARTICLE III - Directors

The members of the corporation shall elect a board of directors consisting of four directors, who shall be members elected by written ballot at the annual meeting of the members of the corporation.  The directors shall serve for one year and until their respective successors are elected and have qualified.  A majority of the membership may terminate a director's election.  In the event of a vacancy occurring in the board of directors during the year, the members by a majority vote at a duly called membership meeting may fill such vacancy for the unexpired term.

ARTICLE IV - Directors' Meetings

The annual meeting of the directors of the corporation shall be held immediately after the annual meeting of members.  Two directors shall constitute a quorum for any annual, regular or special meeting of the board of directors.  A majority vote of directors present at such a meeting shall be sufficient to implement action.

ARTICLE V - Officers

The officers of the corporation shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, each of whom shall be members and directors elected by written ballot at the annual meeting of the members of the corporation.  The officers shall serve for one year and until their respective successors are elected and have qualified.  A majority of the membership may terminate an officer's election.  In the event of a vacancy occurring in an office during the year, the members by a majority vote at a duly called membership meeting may fill such vacancy for the unexpired term.

ARTICLE VI - Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended, altered, or repealed, in whole or in part, by a vote of two thirds of the members at any membership meeting where such proposed action has been incorporated in the notice of the meeting.

