A basic Ruby script to give similar info you would normally get from *nix "wc" utility, e.g. lines of text, number of characters, number of words, etc.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby if __FILE__ == $0 if ARGV.length < 1 then puts "Usage: #{$0} filename" exit end results = [] words = 0 chars = 0 minline = 0 maxline = 0 filename = ARGV.first File.new(filename, "r").each { |line| results << line } puts "#{filename} has..." puts " -> #{results.size} lines." results.each do |line| chars += line.length words += line.split.length if line.length > maxline then maxline = line.length elsif line.length < minline then minline = line.length end end puts " -> #{words} words." puts " -> #{chars} characters." puts " -> #{minline} character shortest line length." puts " -> #{maxline} characters longest line length." end