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Robert's Rambling

                                     Frodo  Lives  Thanks To J.R.R. Tolkien
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The Lord of The Rings 



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I saw this movie a few times and as a movie I enjoyed it. The story told by the movie writers is very entertaining and fun to watch. It would have been better if the writers had followed the book. The differences between the book and movie are so numerous that a full discussion would lead to a rewrite of the entire screen play,  that is beyond what I will comment on today. The most troubling creation of the movie makers is the episode in Osgiliath with the inexplicable exposure of the ring to a ring wraith and the Unfair Faramir.  Frodo's early enslavement to the ring and the wimpy ents who decide not to go to war is wondered at also . It is as if a fit of opposite thinking or an attack of extreme dyslexia plagued the script writers. Some points that draw my attention follow. 
  • How is it to be explained that a Ring wraith is in direct view of the ring, yet does not see it or perceive it's presence, does not sound the alarm of the other wraiths to rally to battle for it and apparently does not tell Sauron that he was near it. We know the wraiths don't see as we do, but the ring under their very nose and to miss it!  This seems to challenge the scenes at Bree and Weather Top as well as the book version of events.
  • The hobbits never reach Osgiliath in the book till after the ring is destroyed. .
  • The unfair Faramir or Unfairamir has a lot of Boromir 's personality in the movie and is corrupted to send the ring to Minas Tirith as Boromir would have done things . The movie's corruption of this character is odd as not just a few pages of text from the book explain his bidding the Hobbits well on their way and furnishing them with food as they part at the falls of Rauros 
  • It appears that Frodo calls the wraiths to himself to aid him in escaping Faramir and Minas Tirith. Is he now as Gollum refers to him, as the Master of the ring? Are we to believe the Wraiths for a moment have answered to Frodo's call for help. Do they obey him? The dragon attacks Frodo only after Sam tries to pull him down the steps.. 
  • The Warg riders attack is a nice film part but is only referred to in the book and did not involve Aragorn..
  • The Orcs are all slain on the field  none of them follow Merry and Pippin into Fangorn forest ever..
  • " He is ... He is . Could Frodo put on the ring and claim it for him self in Osgiliath?.
  • Why do orcs have hockey face shields during the battle at helms deep?.
  • Okay, I liked the scene of the shield skiing Legolas during the Battle at Helms Deep, but this is just good Hollywood not Middle Earth.
  • The Elves never go to Helms Deep in the Book, but it is a great scene in the movie.  
  • When will the remake be made that is more like the book.  
  • I will go on...... 

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