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Rubric for Group Dynamics - Self Evaluation / Teacher Assessment
An average score of 4 = A, 3 = B, 2 = C, & 1 = D
(Average score is your pts. earned divided by the # of dimensions on rubric.  For example, 9pts. / 3dimensions = Avg. score of 3)
Students are to complete this individually and privately - not in conjunction with any member of their group!
Dimension No Score 1 2 3 4 Student Score Teacher Score
Time Management Did not finish any of the assignments on time. Group did not use time wisely, but completed some of the tasks. (1/3 or less) Group usually stayed on task and completed most of the tasks. (2/3 at least) Group used time wisely and completed all tasks assigned. Group set up own time management schedule, completed all assigned tasks, and took time to review the finished products.     
Sharing of Duties No one worked on the tasks assigned. Only one person seemed to do all the work. At least half of the group actively did the work assigned. All of the group worked on the tasks, but division of work load was not equal. All members of the group worked on the assignments and they did an equivalent amount of work.     
Group Discussions / Decision - Making No group discussion or decision- making occurred. Only a few members made decisions without listening to others' ideas. Group discussed ideas, but not everyone was given equal consideration in making final decisions. Everyone in the group discussed ideas and took part in decision-making opportunities in a democratic manner. Group made an extra effort to involve all members in decision-making and incorporate all divergent ideas to reach a true consensus.    

 (12 pts. possible) Total pts. earned: ____________ ____________

Average: ____________ ____________
 Created by Susan E. Alkire
Student comments ( for scores below 2 on any dimension):
Teacher comments (for scores below 2 on any dimension):
On the back:
  1. List the best thing(s) about working with the group.
  2. List the worst thing(s) about working with the group.
  3. Explain why everyone in the group should either get the same grade or different grades for the project work.