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Rubric for Group Work Journals -  Teacher Assessment
An average score of 4 = A, 3 = B, 2 = C, & 1 = D
(Average score is your pts. earned divided by the # of dimensions on rubric.  For example, 8pts. / 4dimensions = Avg. score of 2)
Dimension No Score 1 2 3 4 Teacher Score
Daily Completion Group made no entries Group made only 1/4 of daily entries Group made 1/2 of daily entries Group made 3/4 of daily entries Group made all required daily entries  
Organization (Entries are  neat, in order and follow a logical organized manner each day) No discernible organization A few entries are organized in an orderly logical manner and journal is not very neat Half of the entries are organized in an orderly logical manner and journal is somewhat neat Most of the entries are organized in an orderly logical manner and most of journal is acceptably neat All of the entries are neat, organized and written in an orderly logical manner to facilitate easy review   
Detail and Thoroughness of  Entries
(Required elements are date, roster of job assignments, status of task completion and progress of project goals)
Entries not completed or do not contain any of required details Only about 1/4 of entries contain all required elements OR all entries contain about 1/4 of the required details Only about 1/2 of entries contain all required elements OR all entries contain about 1/2 of the required details Only about 3/4 of entries contain all required elements OR all entries contain about 3/4 of the required details All entries contain all required elements and details  
Correctness of Writing (Acceptable sentence structure, grammar and spelling) No error free sentences have been written  At least 1/4 of the sentences are correct and use good grammar and spelling At least 1/2 of the sentences are correct and use good grammar and spelling  At least 3/4 of the sentences are correct and use good grammar and spelling All of the sentences are correct and use good grammar and spelling  
        (16 pts. possible) Total pts. earned: ____________
          Average: ____________
 Created by Susan E. Alkire
Teacher comments (for scores below 2 on any dimension):