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Rock Camp - Geology Field Work for WV Teachers
These West Virginia classroom teachers are investigating geology in the field near Spruce Knob. They are learning scientific techniques to take back to the students in their schools. Some of the skills they practiced were strike and dip using a Brunton compass, identifying crystal size, performing acid tests for calcite, interpreting weathering patterns, and analzying sediment depositions in rock layers. Check out the
WV Geologic and Economic Survey GeoEducational Resources
for great free teacher resources including teaching guides, maps, animations, and a whole library of graphics depicting geologic formations and tectonic processes. Another version of this experience may be viewed at:
WV Rock Camp for Teachers
. It is accompanied by a beautiful musical background sound track of the "West Virginia Hills" song played on a cedar flute by
Jim Murdoch
from his album "Waltz to the Sea". It is available on iTunes.