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Student responsibilities:

    1. Listen and follow directions.
    2. Complete all assignments on time to the best of his/her ability.
    3. Try to complete these assignments in school, but finish at home if necessary.
    4. Keep homework from getting lost

Teacher responsibilities:

    1. Give clear directions
    2. Correct and return assignments promptly (with the exception of those that will remain in the student’s portfolio).
    3. Follow up on any assignment that the student had difficulty with, or received a poor grade.
    4. Contact the student’s parents if concerns arise regarding the amount and/or results of the homework.

Parents responsibilities:

    1. Empty the child’s backpack daily and check for any homework assignments or special projects. Also review corrected papers.
    2. Provide a quiet work environment for the student to complete homework.
    3. Check the homework if you wish, but do not complete it for your child.
    4. Assist your child in making sure homework assignments are in the backpack and ready to be returned to school.
    5. Contact your child’s teacher if any concerns arise regarding the content and/or amount of homework.

**Note: Your 1st or 2nd grade child should not have homework on a daily basis. If homework is necessary, it should not exceed 10 minutes per grade (that is, 1st grade=10 minutes; 2nd grade=20 minutes, etc.)

Many times your child’s "homework" will consist of reading a book to you, practicing flashcards, or learning memory work. The more support your child receives from you at home, the better off they do in school!!

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