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Grade 1
Pencil box (no larger than 81/2 x 5 x 2 ½)
Pencils (at least 10 #2) No mechanical; 2 in desk and I will save the rest as needed
1 large eraser
Crayons box of 16-24
Watercolor Markers box of 8 or 10
Scissors Fiskars brand
Ruler marked in inches and centimeters
2 Glue sticks
1 bottle Liquid Glue
1 box Kleenex
1 "Composition Notebook" (non-spiral, labeled "Composition Notebook", often
has a hard black & white cover.
1 Wide-lined notebook (any kind)
Gym shoes (see note below)
Paint shirt (unless yours is here from last year)
Grade 2
Same as grade 1 except bring two wide lined notebooks instead of one.
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