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- NIV Bible
- Luther’s Small Catechism (NIV)
- #2 Pencils (not mechanical)
- Blue, black, red pen (no gel pen sets)
- Eraser (not click eraser)
- Loose-leaf paper (college ruled)
- 4 Folders with pockets
- 5 Portfolio folders (with pockets and clasps to hold paper)
- Calculator
- Compass
- Assignment book/Planner
- Non-marking gym shoes
- Sweats for physical education (kept in locker)
- One box Kleenex
(Markers and crayons are not needed)
- All markers, crayons, and colored pencils may be any size as long as they include the basic colors and fit in the desk.
- Notebooks for journals should not be spiral bound; preferably labeled "Composition Notebook".
- ***NOTE: Gym shoes must be worn in the gymnasium. Avoid purchasing shoes that leave black marks on linoleum floors.
- ****All books, papers, and necessary items must fit in your desk, nothing will be allowed to be outside of the desk. If there isn’t room in your desk for items, they will be sent home.
- *****NIV Bibles and Catechisms may be ordered/purchased through the church office.
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