Fulton Reunion 1999 - Salt Lake City, Utah

Attendees at Fulton Family Reunion, 1999, Salt Lake City, Utah

Personal Locator - key to photograph

1. Royal Fulton, desc. of Alexander Fulton, Huntingdon Co, PA
2.     Beverly Fulton, wife of Royal
3. Doug Fulton, (son of #s 1 & 2), desc. of Alexander Fulton, Huntingdon Co, PA
4.     Lynda Fulton, wife of Doug
5. Ann Irwin, desc. of Hugh Fulton of Bedford Co, PA
6.     Tom Irwin, husband of Ann
7. Julia Gleed, (sister of #12), desc. of Alexander Fulton, Huntingdon Co, PA
8.     Norman Gleed, husband of Julia
9. Roberta Hirth, (sister of #s 10, 11), desc. of James Fulton of Dalkeith, Scotland
10. Dr. Lucille Thalmann-Rudiger, (sister of #s 9, 11), desc. of James Fulton, Scotland
11. Florence Wolfe, (sister of #s 9, 10), desc. of James Fulton of Dalkeith, Scotland
12. Jessy L. Earl, (brother of #7), desc. of Alexander Fulton, Huntingdon Co, PA
13.     Ann Earl, wife of Jessy
14. Blanche Tompkins, desc. of David Fulton of Grayson Co, VA
15. Virginia Wetnight, desc. of Abraham Fulton of Westmoreland Co, PA
16.     Bob Wetnight, husband of Virginia
17. Clark Fulton, (brother of #18), desc. of James Fulton, Ontario Co, NY
18. Ernie Fulton, (brother of #17), desc. of James Fulton, Ontario Co, NY
19. Maxine Fulton, (wife of #20), desc. of Alexander Fulton, Cecil Co, MD
20. Robert Fulton, (husband of #19), desc. of Aiexander Fulton, Cecil Co, MD
21. J. D. "Doug" Fulton, desc. of John Fulton, Roxburgshire, Scotland
22. Nancy Pruter, desc. of James Fulton of Fairfax Co, VA
23.     Bob Pruter, husband of Nancy
24. Patrice Stark, desc. of David Fulton of Grayson Co, VA
25. Mary Johnson, desc. of David Fulton of Grayson Co, VA
26. E. M. Fulton, Jr., desc. of David Fulton of Grayson Co, VA:
27. Dr. Robert Fulton, desc. of Margaret Fulton of Centre Co, PA
28. Arlene Sigle, desc. of Widow Agnes Fulton, Clarion Co, PA
29.     Dean Sigle, husband of Arlene
30. Rondal Maloney, desc. of James Fulton, Fayette Co, PA
31.     Yoshiko Maloney, wife of Rondal
32. Carol Proctor, desc. of Samuel Fulton of Guilford Co, NC
33.     Don Proctor, husband of Carol
34. Mike Proctor, (son of #s 32 & 33), desc. of Samuel Fulton of Guilford Co, NC