Was Christopher Columbus Gay?
Last year, CultureMap Houston’s Jennifer Patterson wondered the same thing.
She came up with five good reasons why Columbus preferred seamen to the ladies.
Here’s a condensed version:
1. His name was Christopher Columbus. Not Chris but Christopher. As David Rakoff says, “Of course it’s not ‘Adam and Steve.’ It’s Adam and Stephen. No gay man in his right mind would go by ‘Steve.’ ”

2. He always wore that frilly little hat. Gay men are great at accessorizing.

3. He has a statue in South Montrose, Canada. Everyone knows that’s gay-town.

4. He hung out with Queen Isabella a lot. Queens love queens.

5. His marriage was pure politics. He married Filipa Moniz Perestrelo, the daughter of the Porto Santo governor and Portuguese nobleman of Genoese origin Bartolomeu Perestrelo. Some records report that Filipa died in 1485. Others speculate that Columbus may have simply left his first wife . . .
because he was gay.

He's not my type.
He won't sleep with me.
