Welcome to Reni's

Gourd Art


Gourds offer unlimited design possibilities
with their variety of shapes and their ability to be cut. The possibilities are endless.

Basketry materials and techniques are a perfect compliment to gourds.

Frequently, typical characteristics of the gourd, such as shape, skin imperfections and variation in color have influenced Reni's designs.

In the Gourd Art Gallery,
you will find one-of-a-kind gourd art
made from hand selected gourds
and other natural materials.

Techniques, such as Teneriffe and tapestry weaving as well as coiling of pine needles and other natural fibers have been used to create
Reni's original gourd art.

Pyro-engraving, carving and inlaid bead work have also been used to embellish gourds.

Most gourds were stained with leather dye, but
acrylic paint, gold leafing and other applications have also been used.


Meet the Artist     Gourd Art Gallery    

Links         Gourd Mask Gallery


Last up dated Sept. 11 2005 by Jerry Schaeffer