Medal 001 Clue: Took a look around the ???. Name: D.I.Y. Shop Manager Goal: Took a look around the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 002 Clue: Stocked all of ???'s games in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: All Mona Games Completed Goal: Stocked all of Mona's games in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 003 Clue: Stocked all of ???'s games in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: All Jimmy T. Games Completed Goal: Stocked all of Jimmy T.'s games in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 004 Clue: Stocked all of ???'s games in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: All Ashley Games Completed Goal: Stocked all of Ashley's games in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 005 Clue: Stocked all of ???'s games in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: All Orbulon Games Completed Goal: Stocked all of Orbulon's games in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 006 Clue: Stocked all of ???'s games in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: All 9-Volt Games Completed Goal: Stocked all of 9-Volt's games in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 007 Clue: Unlocked all ??? stages in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: All Game Blenders Unlocked Goal: Unlocked all Game Blender stages in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 008 Clue: Scored ???+ on ???'s stage in the Game Blender. Name: Oddball Goal: Scored 40+ on Mona's stage in the Game Blender. Medal 009 Clue: Scored ???+ on ???'s stage in the Game Blender. Name: Jock Goal: Scored 40+ on Jimmy T.'s stage in the Game Blender. Medal 010 Clue: Scored ???+ on ???'s stage in the Game Blender. Name: Chowhound Goal: Scored 40+ on Ashley's stage in the Game Blender. Medal 011 Clue: Scored ???+ on ???'s stage in the Game Blender. Name: Genius?! Goal: Scored 40+ on Orbulon's stage in the Game Blender. Medal 012 Clue: Scored ???+ on ???'s stage in the Game Blender. Name: Nintendo Fanatic Goal: Scored 40+ on 9-Volt's stage in the Game Blender. Medal 013 Clue: Scored ???+ in ??? in the Game Blender. Name: Diamond in the Rough Goal: Scored 60+ in Diamond Software: Shuffle in the Game Blender. Medal 014 Clue: Scored ???+ in ??? stage in the Game Blender. Name: Sparkling Diamond Goal: Scored 30+ in Diamond Software: Ultra Hard! stage in the Game Blender. Medal 015 Clue: Collected all of ???'s records in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: All of Mona's Music Goal: Collected all of Mona's records in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 016 Clue: Collected all of ???'s records in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: All of Jimmy T.'s Music Goal: Collected all of Jimmy T.'s records in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 017 Clue: Collected all of ???'s records in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: All of Ashley's Music Goal: Collected all of Ashley's records in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 018 Clue: Collected all of ???'s records in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: All of Orbulon's Music Goal: Collected all of Orbulon's records in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 019 Clue: Collected all of ???'s records in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: All of 9-Volt's Music Goal: Collected all of 9-Volt's records in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 020 Clue: Collected all ??? comics. Name: Complete Run Goal: Collected all Diamond Publishing comics. Medal 021 Clue: Filled the ??? shelf in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: D.I.Y. Game Collector Goal: Filled the D.I.Y. Games shelf in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 022 Clue: Filled the ??? shelf in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: D.I.Y. Record Collector Goal: Filled the D.I.Y. Records shelf in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 023 Clue: Filled the ??? shelf in the D.I.Y. Shop. Name: D.I.Y. Comic Collector Goal: Filled the D.I.Y. Comics shelf in the D.I.Y. Shop. Medal 024 Clue: Software from your brand has sold ???+ copies. Name: Fresh New Game Studio Goal: Software from your brand has sold 100+ copies. Medal 025 Clue: Software from your brand has sold ???+ copies. Name: Up-and-Coming Game Studio Goal: Software from your brand has sold 300+ copies. Medal 026 Clue: Software from your brand has sold ???+ copies. Name: Veteran Game Studio Goal: Software from your brand has sold 500+ copies. Medal 027 Clue: Software from your brand has sold ???+ copies. Name: Famous Game Studio Goal: Software from your brand has sold 1,000+ copies. Medal 028 Clue: Software from your brand has sold ???+ copies. Name: Nationally Known Game Studio Goal: Software from your brand has sold 2,000+ copies. Medal 029 Clue: Software from your brand has sold ???+ copies. Name: World-Famous Game Studio Goal: Software from your brand has sold 3,000+ copies. Medal 030 Clue: Software from your brand has sold ???+ copies. Name: Galactic Celebrity Game Studio Goal: Software from your brand has sold 4,000+ copies. Medal 031 Clue: Your game ??? has sold ???+ copies. Name: Rookie Creator Goal: Your game [name here] has sold 50+ copies. Medal 032 Clue: Your game ??? has sold ???+ copies. Name: Established Creator Goal: Your game [name here] has sold 100+ copies. Medal 033 Clue: Your game ??? has sold ???+ copies. Name: Popular Creator Goal: Your game [name here] has sold 200+ copies. Medal 034 Clue: Your game ??? has sold ???+ copies. Name: Famous Creator Goal: Your game [name here] has sold 300+ copies. Medal 035 Clue: Your game ??? has sold ???+ copies. Name: Star Creator Goal: Your game [name here] has sold 400+ copies. Medal 036 Clue: Your game ??? has sold ???+ copies. Name: Legendary Creator Goal: Your game [name here] has sold 500+ copies. Medal 037 Clue: Completed Game D.I.Y. 101 ???. Name: MakerMatic Grad Goal: Completed Game D.I.Y. 101 Lesson 1. Medal 038 Clue: Completed Game D.I.Y. 101 ???. Name: MakerMatic Pro Goal: Completed Game D.I.Y. 101 Lesson 2. Medal 039 Clue: Successfully ??? Game D.I.Y. 101. Name: MakerMatic Master Goal: Successfully completed Game D.I.Y. 101. Medal 040 Clue: Successfully ??? Record D.I.Y. 101. Name: Record MakerMatic Grad Goal: Successfully completed Record D.I.Y. 101. Medal 041 Clue: Successfully ??? Comics D.I.Y. 101. Name: Comic MakerMatic Grad Goal: Successfully completed Comics D.I.Y. 101. Medal 042 Clue: Shipped ??? different job games. Name: Wage Slave Goal: Shipped four different job games. Medal 043 Clue: Shipped ??? different job games. Name: Tireless Worker Goal: Shipped eight different job games. Medal 044 Clue: Shipped ??? different job games. Name: Employee of the Month Goal: Shipped 12 different job games. Medal 045 Clue: Shipped ??? job games. Name: Senior Manager Goal: Shipped all job games. Medal 046 Clue: Shipped a total of ??? job games. Name: Assistant Manager Goal: Shipped a total of 10 job games. Medal 047 Clue: Shipped a total of ??? job games. Name: High-Powered Executive Goal: Shipped a total of 20 job games. Medal 048 Clue: Mastered ??? techniques in the Assembly Dojo. Name: Assembly Pupil Goal: Mastered four techniques in the Assembly Dojo. Medal 049 Clue: Mastered ??? techniques in the Assembly Dojo. Name: Assembly White Belt Goal: Mastered eight techniques in the Assembly Dojo. Medal 050 Clue: Mastered ??? techniques in the Assembly Dojo. Name: Assembly Black Belt Goal: Mastered 16 techniques in the Assembly Dojo. Medal 051 Clue: Mastered ??? techniques in the Assembly Dojo. Name: Assembly Ninja Goal: Mastered 24 techniques in the Assembly Dojo. Medal 052 Clue: Mastered ??? techniques in the Assembly Dojo. Name: Assembly Grand Master Goal: Mastered all techniques in the Assembly Dojo. Medal 053 Clue: Shipped your ??? game made in the Game MakerMatic. Name: MakerMatic: Firsties! Goal: Shipped your first game made in the Game MakerMatic. Medal 054 Clue: Shipped ??? games made in the Game MakerMatic. Name: MakerMatic: 10 Games Goal: Shipped 10 games made in the Game MakerMatic. Medal 055 Clue: Shipped ??? games made in the Game MakerMatic. Name: MakerMatic: 20 Games Goal: Shipped 20 games made in the Game MakerMatic. Medal 056 Clue: Shipped ??? games made in the Game MakerMatic. Name: MakerMatic: 30 Games Goal: Shipped 30 games made in the Game MakerMatic. Medal 057 Clue: Shipped ??? games made in the Game MakerMatic. Name: MakerMatic: 40 Games Goal: Shipped 40 games made in the Game MakerMatic. Medal 058 Clue: Shipped ??? games made in the Game MakerMatic. Name: MakerMatic: Ever Onward! Goal: Shipped 50 games made in the Game MakerMatic. Medal 059 Clue: Shipped your ??? record made in the Record MakerMatic. Name: Record MakerMatic: Release Party Goal: Shipped your first record made in the Record MakerMatic. Medal 060 Clue: Shipped your ??? record made in the Record MakerMatic. Name: Record MakerMatic: 5! Goal: Shipped your fifth record made in the Record MakerMatic. Medal 061 Clue: Shipped your ??? record made in the Record MakerMatic. Name: Record MakerMatic: 10! Goal: Shipped your 10th record made in the Record MakerMatic. Medal 062 Clue: Shipped your ??? record made in the Record MakerMatic. Name: Record MakerMatic: 15! Goal: Shipped your 15th record made in the Record MakerMatic. Medal 063 Clue: Shipped your ??? record made in the Record MakerMatic. Name: Record MakerMatic: 20! Goal: Shipped your 20th record made in the Record MakerMatic. Medal 064 Clue: Shipped your ??? record made in the Record MakerMatic. Name: Record MakerMatic: Keep on Rockin'! Goal: Shipped your 25th record made in the Record MakerMatic. Medal 065 Clue: Shipped your ??? comic made in the Comic MakerMatic. Name: Comic MakerMatic: Issue #1! Goal: Shipped your first comic made in the Comic MakerMatic. Medal 066 Clue: Shipped your ??? comic made in the Comic MakerMatic. Name: Comic MakerMatic: 5! Goal: Shipped your fifth comic made in the Comic MakerMatic. Medal 067 Clue: Shipped your ??? comic made in the Comic MakerMatic. Name: Comic MakerMatic: 10! Goal: Shipped your 10th comic made in the Comic MakerMatic. Medal 068 Clue: Shipped your ??? comic made in the Comic MakerMatic. Name: Comic MakerMatic: 15! Goal: Shipped your 15th comic made in the Comic MakerMatic. Medal 069 Clue: Shipped your ??? comic made in the Comic MakerMatic. Name: Comic MakerMatic: 20! Goal: Shipped your 20th comic made in the Comic MakerMatic. Medal 070 Clue: Shipped your ??? comic made in the Comic MakerMatic. Name: Comic Maker: Ongoing Series Goal: Shipped your 25th comic made in the Comic MakerMatic. Medal 071 Clue: Spent more than ??? hour with the Game MakerMatic. Name: Game Time: 1 hour making! Goal: Spent more than one hour with the Game MakerMatic. Medal 072 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Game MakerMatic. Name: Game Time: 3 hours making! Goal: Spent more than three hours with the Game MakerMatic. Medal 073 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Game MakerMatic. Name: Game Time: 5 hours making! Goal: Spent more than five hours with the Game MakerMatic. Medal 074 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Game MakerMatic. Name: Game Time: 10 hours making! Goal: Spent more than 10 hours with the Game MakerMatic. Medal 075 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Game MakerMatic. Name: Game Time: 20 hours making! Goal: Spent more than 20 hours with the Game MakerMatic. Medal 076 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Game MakerMatic. Name: Game Time: 30 hours making! Goal: Spent more than 30 hours with the Game MakerMatic. Medal 077 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Game MakerMatic. Name: Game Time: 50 hours making! Goal: Spent more than 50 hours with the Game MakerMatic. Medal 078 Clue: Spent more than ??? hour with the Record MakerMatic. Name: Record Time: 1 hour making! Goal: Spent more than one hour with the Record MakerMatic. Medal 079 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Record MakerMatic. Name: Record Time: 3 hours making! Goal: Spent more than three hours with the Record MakerMatic. Medal 080 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Record MakerMatic. Name: Record Time: 5 hours making! Goal: Spent more than five hours with the Record MakerMatic. Medal 081 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Record MakerMatic. Name: Record Time: 10 hours making! Goal: Spent more than 10 hours with the Record MakerMatic. Medal 082 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Record MakerMatic. Name: Record Time: 20 hours making! Goal: Spent more than 20 hours with the Record MakerMatic. Medal 083 Clue: Spent more than ??? hour with the Comic MakerMatic. Name: Comic Time: 1 hour making! Goal: Spent more than one hour with the Comic MakerMatic. Medal 084 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Comic MakerMatic. Name: Comic Time: 3 hours making! Goal: Spent more than three hours with the Comic MakerMatic. Medal 085 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Comic MakerMatic. Name: Comic Time: 5 hours making! Goal: Spent more than five hours with the Comic MakerMatic. Medal 086 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Comic MakerMatic. Name: Comic Time: 10 hours making! Goal: Spent more than 10 hours with the Comic MakerMatic. Medal 087 Clue: Spent more than ??? hours with the Comic MakerMatic. Name: Comic Time: 20 hours making! Goal: Spent more than 20 hours with the Comic MakerMatic. Medal 088 Clue: Reached D.I.Y. Forum ??? ???. Name: Forum Hound Goal: Reached D.I.Y. Forum message capacity. Medal 089 Clue: Connected to a Wii for the ??? time. Name: D.I.Y. Showcase Goal: Connected to a Wii for the first time. Medal 090 Clue: Connected to a friend's DS for the ??? time. Name: Two Cans on a String Goal: Connected to a friend's DS for the first time. Medal 091 Clue: Connected to a friend's DS for the ??? time. Name: Rotary Dial Goal: Connected to a friend's DS for the fifth time. Medal 092 Clue: Connected to a friend's DS for the ??? time. Name: Dial-Up Goal: Connected to a friend's DS for the 10th time. Medal 093 Clue: Connected to a friend's DS for the ??? time. Name: Serious Bandwidth Goal: Connected to a friend's DS for the 20th time. Medal 094 Clue: Connected to a friend's DS for the ??? time. Name: Mind Meld Goal: Connected to a friend's DS for the 30th time. Medal 095 Clue: Shipped ??? products to a friend's DS. Name: 5 Products Shipped! Goal: Shipped five products to a friend's DS. Medal 096 Clue: Shipped ??? products to a friend's DS. Name: 10 Products Shipped! Goal: Shipped 10 products to a friend's DS. Medal 097 Clue: Shipped ??? products to a friend's DS. Name: 30 Products Shipped! Goal: Shipped 30 products to a friend's DS. Medal 098 Clue: Shipped ??? products to a friend's DS. Name: 50 Products Shipped! Goal: Shipped 50 products to a friend's DS. Medal 099 Clue: Shipped ??? products to a friend's DS. Name: 100 Products Shipped! Goal: Shipped 100 products to a friend's DS. Medal 100 Clue: Received ??? products from a friend's DS. Name: 5 Products Received! Goal: Received five products from a friend's DS. Medal 101 Clue: Received ??? products from a friend's DS. Name: 10 Products Received! Goal: Received 10 products from a friend's DS. Medal 102 Clue: Received ??? products from a friend's DS. Name: 30 Products Received! Goal: Received 30 products from a friend's DS. Medal 103 Clue: Received ??? products from a friend's DS. Name: 50 Products Received! Goal: Received 50 products from a friend's DS. Medal 104 Clue: Connected to the Warehouse for the ??? time. Name: Warehouse Member Goal: Connected to the Warehouse for the first time. Medal 105 Clue: Shipped ??? to the Warehouse. Name: Shipped to Storage Crate! Goal: Shipped a product to the Warehouse. Medal 106 Clue: Received ??? from the Warehouse. Name: Received from Storage Crate! Goal: Received a product from the Warehouse. Medal 107 Clue: Connected to the NinSoft Store for the ??? time. Name: Nintendo Friend Goal: Connected to the NinSoft Store for the first time. Medal 108 Clue: Registered ??? friend code. Name: First Friend! Goal: Registered one friend code. Medal 109 Clue: Registered ??? friend codes. Name: Three Friends! Goal: Registered three friend codes. Medal 110 Clue: Registered ??? friend codes. Name: Five Friends! Goal: Registered five friend codes. Medal 111 Clue: Registered ??? friend codes. Name: 10 Friends! Goal: Registered 10 friend codes. Medal 112 Clue: Entered ??? design challenge. Name: First Design Challenge Goal: Entered first design challenge. Medal 113 Clue: Entered ??? design challenge. Name: Second Design Challenge Goal: Entered second design challenge. Medal 114 Clue: Entered ??? design challenge. Name: Regular Challenger Goal: Entered fifth design challenge. Medal 115 Clue: Played WarioWare: D.I.Y. ??? days. Name: Got the hang of the MakerMatic? Goal: Played WarioWare: D.I.Y. 10 days. Medal 116 Clue: Played WarioWare: D.I.Y. ??? days. Name: Day 20 already! Goal: Played WarioWare: D.I.Y. 20 days. Medal 117 Clue: Played WarioWare: D.I.Y. ??? days. Name: Hanging in there! Goal: Played WarioWare: D.I.Y. 30 days. Medal 118 Clue: Played WarioWare: D.I.Y. ??? days. Name: Wow! Day 50! Goal: Played WarioWare: D.I.Y. 50 days. Medal 119 Clue: Played ???. Name: Credit Where Credit Is Due Goal: Played staff credits. Medal 120 Clue: Scored perfectly in ???! Name: Perfect Shooter Goal: Scored perfectly in staff credits.