Policies For Troop 50's Website

A web site is part of a world wide, public medium of communication, the policies concerning its content and control should protect our youth and the privacy of our volunteers,members and others involved with our Pack.
  • One of the biggest concerns we face, when dealing with this worldwide medium, is the protection of our youth. Only the first names of youth members under the age of 18 will appear on our site. No contact information, i.e. telephone, address, email address, mail-to link, etc. will be published for youth under the age of 18.

  • Full name or contact information of an adult will be posted if the adult grants permission to do so. If not only their first names will appear.

  • All material presented for publishing to the site will be appropriate to Scouting. Any stories or pictures submitted for posting to the Newsletter page will be in good taste. This website is for the world to see, it should reflect the ideals and principles of Scouting.

  • Troop members should submit any materials to the Scoutmastwer or Webmaster of this site.

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