1999 Large Chess Variant Contest Journal

Registration is
Thanks to all who submitted entries (37 in total)!

The Finalist Voting phase has been completed.
Results will be posted Monday, August 2, 1999, starting at 5pm.

As promised, here is the address of the (no longer)
Secret Voter Feedback Page!

Monday, August 2, 1999

     Results!!!! are HERE!!!!

Sunday, August 1, 1999

     The votes have been tallied! Many thanks to all who voted! I will be posting the results tomorrow starting at 5pm EST. We have some ties, so instead of just four finalists, there are eight.

Check out the comments pages, with over 100k of commentary on the various games. Next week, the play testing phase begins, so stay tuned for details...

Saturday, July 31, 1999

     Last day for the finalist voting! There are two frontrunners that are significantly ahead of the pack, but the remaining two position are still up for grabs as the remaining entries are very close together. A few extra votes could make the different between becoming a finalist and just missing being a finalist...

The results will be announced Monday evening (5:00pm EST), August 2nd, 1999. The winners will be announced in true contest fashion, by posting the lowest rated games first. I'll post ratings for 5 entries every half hour.

Friday, June 25, 1999

     Three more non-competing entries to the contest. Perfect 12, by Jean-Louis Cazaux, Bishops, a 3 or 4 player variant by EJW consulting, and Double Chess, a 2 board variant by David Short. These are non-competing entries and should not be voted on, however, you may still comment on them by emailing me your comments, and I'll post them on the voter feedback page. My email address is alcove@frontiernet.net. Feel free to comment on any of the entries to the contest (both competing and non-competing). You can also discuss these variants by posting messages at Hans' Chess Variants Club.

With a bit over a month to go before finalist voting ends, we have almost 350 votes made by 83 voters! And lots of good comments (about 70k of text). All of the competing entries have at least one comment. So keep those votes and comments coming! And thanks to all who have voted so far!

Friday, June 18, 1999

     Typhoon, Adrian King's very large variant has been implemented in Zillions of Games! For his next trick, Adrian will implement his huge variant Jupiter (not really, but it would be amazing if he was able to)!

Look for the Zillions of Games version of Typhoon to appear next week on Hans' Zillions page, and in the Large Variant game pack.

Addendum: I put Typhoon in its own .ZIP file. You can download it from here.

Wednesday, June 16, 1999

     Two more entries in the Large Variant contest have been converted to Zillions of Games. Bomberman Chess and Big Outer Chess are now available for those who would like to try them out. Thanks to Jens Markmann for implementing Bomberman Chess. I implemented Big Outer chess, which you don't want to try to run on an 800x600 screen -- it doesn't quite fit!

Both games are available either at Hans' site, or in the installable download from the Alternate Chess Variants page.

Wednesday, June 9, 1999

     Another non-competing entry has been submitted. This one is from Jean-Louis Cazaux called Perfect 12. It completes his trilogy of large variants which include Shako and Tamerlane II. A Zillions of Games implementation of Perfect 12 is available also. Download Perfect12.zip.

Jens Markmann has been busy creating Zillions of Games versions of some of the entries. His latest implementations are Omega Chess (download here) and Bomberman (which should be appearing soon on Hans' website and in the downloadable Large Variant contest Zillions pack). Jens' website is at http://cruise.de/jens.markmann/index.html. Thanks Jens!

Sunday, May 30, 1999

     Jupiter is the name of Adrian King's latest non-competing entry in the large variant contest. The link to it is here. This variant is HUGE!!

Two new games have been added to the downloadable collection of Large Variant contest games implemented in Zillions. Mammoth Chess (implemented by Jens Markmann) and Ultra chess (implemented by Pavel Tikhomirov) are now available. Just follow this link.

Friday, May 28, 1999

     The following people have sent in votes, but I was unable to contact them to verify their vote. They should contact me so we can get their votes verified. My email address is: alcove@frontiernet.net.
  • Claire Blake
  • Bailey
I've been very impressed with the number of comments that have been sent in with the votes. These collected comments will be a great resource for the various designers. I'll be making all the comments public at the beginning of July, so if you want to see them before then, just cast a vote!

Also, anyone wishing to discuss the comments, or any of the entries in the contest, I encourage you to visit and join Hans' Chess Variant Club at:

http://cl ubs.yahoo.com/clubs/chessvariants

Friday, May 14, 1999


Wow! I'm very impressed with the voter turnout so far. And lots of comments too! For a peek at some of the voting stats, and voter comments, go to the secret voting results page. Of course, you must vote first to get the address for that page. ;-)

I'm still busy getting all the various pages updated, so if I haven't gotten to your's yet, please be patient. Thanks!

Pavel Tikhomirov (one of our editors) has implemented Ultra Chess for Zillions of Games, so look for that to appear on the CV pages soon.

Sunday, May 2, 1999


Go visit the Alternate Chess Variant Pages (ok, well, Page since it's only one page so far). From there you can download an installer for all the Zillions of Games implementations of entries in the Large Variant Contest. It was a self-extracting zip file, but GeoCities (in all their wisdom) would not let me upload an executable file. Ah well, what do I expect for free?!

Voting scheme is done. You should be seeing little VOTE buttons appearing on the Index pages, and maybe popping up here and there and everywhere. Go to the voting page for more information on how finalists are going to be selected.

Adrian King has written two more non-competing large (and I do mean LARGE variants. Look for web pages for them in the near future.

Saturday, May 1, 1999


The deadline for submissions has come and gone, with FIVE last minute (and one not so last minute) entries. The last minute entries are:

Big Outer Chess, a 12x12 variant with special zones, by Peter Blanchard
Scheherazade, a 10x10 variant in which pieces can combine, by Robert Shimmin
Spiderball, a board shaped like a 'globe shaped spider web'!, by JR Schmidt
Fantasy Grand Chess, a 10x10 fantasy variant where players use different armies, by Peter S Hatch
Cheops, a 3D pyramidal variant inspired by Frank Herbert's 'Dune', by Gregg Johnson

Stephen (Soleste) Larson has also submitted a second entry called Keyles, which is a different way of playing Quex.

Look for updates to the index page soon (Hans' index page will not be updated until May 10th or later), and web pages for the new entries (again, there won't be any updates of Hans' Chess Variant pages until May 10 or later). The voting for the four finalists officially starts today, but I haven't finished the voting pages and scripts, so if you really feel the need to vote right away, just send me an email. Anyone can vote, you can vote for as many submissions as you like, but just once for each. When you vote for a submission, you'll be asked to rate it and the submission will be given points based on that rating (from -1 to 2). At the end of the voting period, the points will be added up and the top four submissions will be finalists!

GOOD LUCK TO ALL, and may the best games win! ;-)

Ok, the voting system is up and running. Here's the link to it if anyone wants to go take a peek, or even actually (gasp) vote!? ;-)

Friday, April 30, 1999


Deadline day! And we have one, possibly two, more entries. The one definite entry is Napoleonic Chess by Tom Hartley. This is a 14x14 variant that tries to remain true to the spirit of the armies of the Napoleonic period. Web page coming soon.

Voting for the finalists is the next phase of the contest. I'm currently working on the voting scheme and will be posting more information in the near future. So stay tuned...

Thursday, April 29, 1999


One more entry, and one less entry, so we remain at 30 entries. The new entry is Chess99 from Alfred Pfeiffer. I'll have to wait to describe the game as the web page hasn't yet been translated from German. Look for an English language web page soon.

The entry removed is Bach Dang chess on request from the author, Vu Vo. He has redesigned Quang Trung Chess to include the features from Bach Dang Chess.

Tuesday, April 27, 1999


Three more submissions, and one less submission. First the new ones: Quex is played on the 10x10 board, and features a new piece, the Prince, and various types of pawns (or Pions). Submitted by the mysterious Soleste. Next we have Typhoon (and you thought Scirocco was large) by Adrian King. Typhoon is what Chu Shogi might have been had it been based on Scirocco instead of Shogi. And finally we have Bomberman Chess, an explosive new game submitted by Bryan Lambert. This game features (as you might have already surmised) Bomb pieces, and also Diffuser pieces.

Many Worlds Chess has been moved into the non-competing section due to the improbability of anyone actually being insane enough to play a game of it! ;-)

Needless to say, all these new submissions, plus the fact I have to get a voting page ready, are keeping me very busy. So please understand if it takes a little while for me to update the index page. Thanks! And thanks to all who have submitted games for this contest and/or who have helped out in other ways! You've helped make this a rousing success, and I hope the same enthusiasm and energy will be used when it comes time for the voting and playtesting! ;-)

Thursday, April 22, 1999


OK, about one week left until the deadline for entering the contest. I am currently at work designing a voting page, and also trying to create as many Zillions of Games implementations of the entries as possible. If anyone would like to pick a game and implement it, the following have not been implemented so far:

Edge of the World Chess, Jester Chess, Camblam, Spinach Chess, Ultra Chess, Conveyor Chess, Kings Court, Vyrémorn Chess, Round Table Chess (and RTC II), Royal Court, and Flee!

If anyone wants to take on any of the above games, let me know before you do, so we aren't duplicating effort. I will also be working on an installer which will make it easy to set up all the Zillions of Games implementations on your system.

Adrian King has submitted a variant called Many Worlds Chess, which would make a fitting last entry to the contest, seeing as the first entry was another 'way out' idea variant called Chesseract. Many Worlds Chess involves multiple chess boards, the number of which can expand dynamically. For a full description, look for the web page, which will be appearing soon on Hans' web site.

Web pages for Mini Citadel Chess, Divergent Chess have been created on Hans' web site. There are also Zillions of Games implementations, but they didn't make it on the last update. Andy Kurnia's Flee! also didn't make it for the update, but will appear in the next update.

Hold the presses, Rich VanDeventer has just submitted another entry called Round Table Chess II which utlizes a large board for more manuevering room. Web page will be appearing soon, etc. ;-)

Thursday, April 15, 1999


3 more entries have been submitted to the contest! The first two are by A.J. Winkelspecht, called Divergent Chess and Mini Citadel Chess. Divergent Chess was inspired by Michael Howe's (no relation as far as I know) Asymmetric Chess. Mini Citadel Chess was inspired by a variant of Shantranj called Citadel Chess, or Shatranj al-husun. Complete Zillions of Games implementations of these two entries have also been submitted and will be available for download from Hans' web site. Look for web pages in the next Chess Variants pages update.

Andy Kurnia has submitted a large variant called Flee!, which uses a 16x16 board with a powerful King. I think this might be the largest variant so far in the contest. Look for a web page coming soon...

The web page for Royal Court has been posted, as has the web page for Round Table Chess. The web page for Ultra Chess has been updated.

Monday, April 12, 1999


Richard VanDeventer has submitted a kinda-sorta, circular variant called Round Table Chess. The board combines the features of both a rectangular board with a circular board! Also two new pieces are introduced. Look for a web page for this game to appear on Hans' site soon.

And Sidney LeVasseur has submitted another entry called Royal Court, which is another oblong variant in a similar style to King's Court. As usual, a web page will be appearing soon on Hans' site.

Sunday, April 11, 1999

     A new submission! This time from Charles Nathan McDonald -- a variant he has been working on for almost 12 years called Vyrémorn Chess! His web page for it is at


This game looks like it's doable in Zillions, however it will require a bit of work, since it's a diagonal variant, and has a piece that can combine with other pieces. By the time this contest is through, I'll be an absolute Zillions guru! ;-)

Thanks to John William Brown, who has been helping people out with their web pages. John is a writer (author of Meta-Chess), editor and illustrator, and is willing to help out those who would like their submissions edited by a professional. John's email address is:


Thanks John!

Thursday, April 8, 1999


Many thanks to Hans Bodlaender and whoever pointed him to the site at



This site contains a picture of Grande Acedrex chess from King Alfonso's book!! Yes, the picture we've been looking for to put on the cover of the finalists prize. I hereby name Grande Acedrex Chess as the official mascot of the Large Variant contest. ;-)

Wednesday, April 7, 1999

     Jean-Louis Cazaux has created a Zillions of Games implementation of his Shako variant. It should be appearing in the next update of Hans' Chess Variant pages. I have completed the Zillions of Games implementations of Omega Chess and Quang Trung Chess, so look for those to be appearing soon also.

Real Chess is being removed as an entry in the contest, because that game already exists as "Minister Chess", which is a commercial variant. "Ultra Chess", however, will remain in the contest. Look for a web page for it to be appearing in the next update of Hans' Chess Variant pages.

Thursday, April 1, 1999

     I've moved the preceding journal entries to a seperate file since it was getting large. This should make the loading time go down significantly.

Thanks to Adrian King for supplying the Zillions of Games version of Chesseract, which I used to generate the small version of the board on the index page. It's a testament to both Adrian and Zillions of Games that an implementation of Chesseract could even be created. For those curious about Chesseract, I will be making Adrian's Zillions of Games implementation available. Please note though that the game runs extrememly slowly. Look for it soon on Hans' pages.

The web page for Kings Court is on its way to Hans, so that should be appearing in the next update of the CV pages. Also, Hans has set up a club at


It's a fun place to go and discuss chess variants, and possibly get news that you might not hear anywhere else.

The Zillions of Games implementation of Pick-the-Team Chess is also on its way to Hans. I think I've implemented the rules correctly (we'll see what Hans says), but the graphics still leave something to be desired to say the least. But hey, at least it's playable.

Older entries

     Older entries have been moved, and are stored here.

This page maintained by David Howe. For more information about the 1999 Large Chess Variant Contest, see the official rules page.