Atlas F Sites - 556th SMS - PAFB
These pages contain pictures and information regarding the physical state of the former Atlas F missile sites, which were built for the U.S. Air Force 556th Strategic Missile Squadron (SMS), assigned to the former Plattsburgh Air Force Base. These were the only underground ICBMs that were located east of the Mississippi River.
There are also a few pictures of the base (which is now closed), and of the display aircraft in the park, which is located outside of one of the former base's gates.
Unlike some other decommissioned missile sites around the country, none of the 556th missile sites are abandoned. All are either privately or municipally owned. All of the on-site pictures in these pages were taken with the permission of the owners, or their family members or employees. For those missile sites where the owner could not be contacted, pictures were taken from public access roads or from aircraft.
556th SMS Map
While this map is drawn approximately to scale for the roads, the missile site markers are obviously not drawn to that same scale. The missile site markers show the locations of the sites, however, some sites are not as close to the roads as their markers may indicate on the map.
Click on the missile site markers to view the individual sites.