Letter to the editor
To our labor friends in Northern Minnesota and across the state, Governor Dayton has stabbed us in the back with his decision to not allow access or lease agreements for Twin Metals.
Call or write the officials below, but please do something to express our opposition to his decision. His decision is unacceptable!!
Overload the Governor's phone with your displeasure. Pass this around to your friends.
This is a list of all of our state and federal legislators You should be able to click on the links or call any of the numbers listed.
Minnesota Governor
Gov. Mark Dayton's Office in
St. Paul. Phone: 800-657-3717.
Minnesota House
Rob Ecklund (03A, DFL), 311
State Office Building, St. Paul, MN
55155. 651-296-2190. Email: rep.rob.ecklund©house.mn
Jason Metsa (06B, DFL), 313
State Office Building, St. Paul, MN
55155. 651-296-0170. Email: rep.jason.niet sa@house.mn
Carly Melin (06A, DFL), 315
State Office Building, St. Paul, MN
55155. 651-296-0172. Email: rep.carly.melin@house.mn
Tom Anzelc (05B, DFL), 317
State Office Building, St. Paul, MN
55155. 651 296 4936. Email: rep.tom.anzelc@house.mn
Minnesota Senate
Majority Leader, Thomas M.
Bakk (03, DFL), 3113 Minnesota
Senate Bldg. 651-296-8881. Email:
Use Mail Form
Tom Saxhaug (05, DFL), 2111
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 651-296-
4136. E-mail: sen.tom.saxhaug@scnat e.nin
David J. Tomassonl (06, DFL),
3401 Minnesota Senate Bldg. 651-
296-8017. E-mail: Use Mail Form
Roger J. Reinert (07, DFL), 3101
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 651-296-
4188. E-mail: sen.roger.reinert@senate.mn
U.S. Congress
Congressman Rick Nolan,
Duluth District Office, Duluth
Technology Village, 11 E. Superior
Street #125, Duluth, MN 55802.
Phone: 218-464-5095. Jeff Anderson
- Duluth 218-464-5095.
Washington Office, 202-225-6211.
Senator Amy Klobuchar, 820
- 9th St N., Olcott Plaza #105,
Virginia, MN . (218) 741-9690. Ida
Rukavina, 302 Hart Senate Office
Building, Washington, DC 20510.
Senator Al Franken, Duluth Office,
515 W 1st St., Suite 104, Duluth,
MN 55802. (218) 722-2390.
DC Office, 309 Hart Senate Office
Building, Washington, DC 20510.
(202) 224-5641