Let's Start Drilling and Digging For That Information! - Resources


Page resources may be accessed at the menu links. The genesis of this website is to provide a more stable location for Minnesota Mining related and other industry research that hopefully will not disappear as it has on other social media hosting sites. Best wishes in your research journey. WSMM.



>> WSMM Research List <<

- Click Here For Multiple Year Listing Of Useful Information


Water Resource Documents Regarding Sulfate And Water Quality In Three Minnesota Cities


Following the money: Analyzing who and what is opposing Polymet


The Real Agenda of Common Sense Minnesota http://www.commonsensemn.org/


What is the sulfide content at NorthMet? Has copper/nickel been mined safely?


Copper Education - Minnesota And Flambeau Comparisons, Ore Sulfide Bodies


Commentary on Robert DesJarlait's - Director, Protect Our Manoomin Letter To Rick Nolan


Why do environmental groups say water treatment will be required for 200 to 500 years?


Minnesota Financial Assurance Requirements for Non-ferrous Mining


MINING IN NATIONAL FORESTS Protection of Surface Resources


Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Permit and Visitor Use Trends 2009-2015


Federal Hardrock Minerals Prospecting Permits Project - Record Of Decision




Polymet Project Support


WTIP Duluth Polymet Meeting Reporting - 2/9/2018


Why Minnesota Should Say Yes to Copper - Nickel Mineral Development!


Polymet's Permit To Mine Requirements


Sulfate in Well Water


How To Twitter


Email addresses for Letters to Editors


Tailings Basin Stability and Environmental Protections




The Raw Materials That Fuel the Green Revolution


Mining - Statistics & Facts


Economic Composition of Northeast Minnesota: Industries and Performance


The Economic Impact of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Mining on the State of Minnesota and the Arrowhead Region, including Douglas County, Wisconsin


Global Acid Rock Drainage (GARD) Guide


Anti-Mining Politician Listing


Conservationists With Common Sense Newsletters


USGS - Risk and Reliance: The U.S. Economy and Mineral Resources


Clean water and the PolyMet copper-nickel project


60 Legislators Sign Letter in Support of Mining


State funding will move Minnesota's mining future forward


Minnesota Mining Report - Forging The Economic Future Of The Duluth-Arrowhead Region: March 2017


NRRI - Driving a Future for Iron Ore Mining - What Pathways Are Possible


Geology and Cu-Ni-PGE Deposits of the Duluth complex, NE Minnesota


1964 Wilderness Act and 1978 BWCA Wilderness Act.


PUBLIC LAW 95-495 OCT. 21, 1978 An Act To designate the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness


Mining Facts Resources on mining and mining policy


Minnesota's Active State Nonferrous Metallic Minerals Leases as of January 2018


Public Land and Mineral Ownership inMinnesota


Minnesota Minerals Coordinating Committee


Twin Metals Minnesota (TMM) Project Update Ely City Council September 28, 2015


Minnesota Cu+Ni+PGM,TiO2 Deposits and Active State Metallic Minerals Leases Map A: Duluth Complex


Iron Mining Association of Minnesota - Iron Mining-Related Resources


Laurentian Vision Partnership - Tools/Resources


Has EPA established a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for sulfate in drinking water?


Technical Analysis of Wild Rice Research - Minnesota Chamber of Commerce


Mining in Minnesota's Arrowhead - Web Mapping Application


2018 DFL State Convention Platform Balloting Report: Mining Issues And Related Thought Process


Unearthing Prosperity: How mining will bring 8,500 jobs and $3.7 billion to Minnesota's economy.Study and Poll beginning on page twenty of the pdf file. Source: Thinking Minnesota, Center of the American Experiment.


State of Minnesota ArcGIS application: How Minnesota schools benefit from natural resource industries such as mining. Type in the name of a school district. It will show you how much they received for 2017.


Pioneering with Taconite - Author Edward W. Davis


Future of Base and Precious Metal Mining in Minnesota - Jim Miller Department of Geological Sciences University of Minnesota Duluth


Center of the American Experiment Mining Study Report And Fact Sheet


Interactive map of mineral resources and mines across the United States


The Real Agenda of Duluth For Clean Water https://www.facebook.com/duluthforcleanwater/