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Where's the Picture?? |
Have you ever gone to a web page where there was obviously supposed to be a graphic or picture, but there was just an empty box instead, like the one below? This happens because the designer of the page didn't make sure the picture was properly linked to the page.
What does that mean? Basically, when a picture or graphic is put on a web page, it really isn't on the page! The picture/graphic itself is a file, just like a web page is a file. On the web page, there are hidden instructions where the picture is to be displayed that tell a web browser "this is where the picture is that's supposed to be displayed here". This is called "embedding" the picture in the web page. If the browser can't locate the picture, it just displays a blank box.
This commonly happens when a web designer puts a picture into a page, but fails to include the picture in the web site's files. Instead, the address of the picture is left as a file on the designer's computer, and the actual picture file never gets posted to the web site. Thus, when the browser opens a page with this problem, it's trying to find the picture in a file that doesn't exist on the web server, but actually is still on the designer's computer!
Make sure all your pictures and graphics are properly saved in the web site's files, so visitors to your web site aren't asking "Where's the picture??"
The picture below was purposefully left out of the web site to demonstrate this! It was from a Cub Scout event the author and his son went to. Right click on the box, then choose "properties" at the bottom of the list. It will show you the address where the picture is, and it's not in this web site.