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"Test Each Page with Different Browsers. At a minimum, test each page with Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, the two most common browsers. Remember, different browsers render pages differently. You may end up with a page that looks bad (or even causes an error) in one browser or the other." (1)

"If one compares screenshots of the same page in different browsers (or even the 'same' browser in different versions or running on different platforms), it is very clear that the resulting presentations differ substantially." (3, pg. 38)

Remember- viewers of your site are using different browsers, different versions of browsers, and different viewing devices. As you build your web pages, don't assume that how they look on your monitor will be how they look on someone else's monitor. Try viewing your pages on different size monitors and on laptop computers, if at all possible. If you don't have different viewing devices of your own, put your web files on a removable disk and go to a friend's home or place where there are public access computers to look at your pages. (Just make sure your disk is scanned for viruses!)

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