Four-winged brilliance 

On majestic widespread wings,

up from dawn-cold pothole, strains

sunward through low-lying fog, 

heaving, gaining height and speed,

flashing morning’s dazzling glare.

Now; what! – four-winged tundra swan?

Four!Yes.Four!!! wings sunward drive.

Slightly parting:Ah!Swans – two! 

Male and female, closely matched,

speeding, climbing, two by one.

Necks and breasts show stress and strain,

wheeling, flashing, dazzling bright.

Match them; clock them, with them run…

mile a minute! – faster, climb!

Formed up close.Still sunward, fly! 

Looking downward, honking back,

ground-bound voyeur, envious.

Still together stroke for stroke,

mates forge perfect symmetry.
