1970 - 1974


As of 1 Dec, 2004, here are some of the 35mm Alaska slides which I have scanned to digital. These were taken on our camping/fishing trips:

Tom and me with the first Red (Sockeye Salmon) of the year 1972:

Same salmon after a famous Jerry Burns campfire BBQing:

Tom near one of the many wild streams:

Tom's first Red (Sockeye Salmon) He hooked and landed this beauty all by himself:

The guys help with firewood. Looks like Brian has something else on his mind:

Good morning sunshines!:

Three brothers, rugged stream:

A brother tree:

Three brothers at the Russian River:

Camp lunch with Mom:

A campfire shot with Tom and Sean:

My favorite campfire shot:

Camp Burns ready for occupancy:

Nice Dolly Varden Char. These were great eatin':

Two Dollys. What a great lunch!:

Three brothers in the hills:

Abandoned mining area:

Larry Rasmussen and I with native lake rainbows. We used hellgrammites, which we dug up, as bait to catch these trout. Small but tasty:

A limit(Three per day) of Kenai river Reds (Sockeye salmon). These reds were caught on buck tail flies which I tied:

Here is what my home made flies looked like. All color combinations worked on Red Salmon, Pink Salmon and Dolly Varden, but the simple red and white always seemed to work best:

A limit(Five per day) of Gulkana river Reds. Fishin' buddy John Ober. John owned the 19 foot Grumman canoe that we used to explore/hunt/fish Alaska:

Arctic Grayling from the Gulkana river. These were caught with my home made "skeeter" flies:

Awesome Dolly Varden:

Me and my Honda ATC in the boonies. What fun this machine was!:

Brian, Sean, Mom at the Russian River:

Sean up a tree:

Tom on the Honda ATC:

Tom up a tree and his Mom: