Loring AFB, Maine

1975 - 1976

When I forecast for re-assignment after Alaska, I put in for Dover AFB and Dow AFB in Bangor Maine. I ended up at the 42nd Bomb Wing at Loring AFB, Maine. Way up there in Aroostook County, it was like a different world. After four winters in Alaska, we found the winters at Loring to be MUCH harder. Man! It was COLD up there. The summers are beautiful though. We had great quarters out at Connors Maine. It was housing that had been built for the folks who manned the Nike site that had been there, but was since deactivated. There were 16 nice little three-bedroom cottages. We loved it! I had about a zillion acres for a back yard, and a three wheeled Honda ATC to explore them with. Trout fishing was good, though the native Brown trout in Aroostook County were pretty small, it was great fun to catch them and they are tasty. Ruffed Grouse hunting was great too!

Loring was a huge SAC base with double wings of everything. The duty was demanding and I loved it. I was the Work Center Supervisor (aka Shop Chief), and I was just getting in the groove of the job when SAC Headquarters called and offered me a job with the SAC MSET team. I jumped at it! That was the third smartest thing that I ever did.

Below are photos of the unit patch, and some B-52 photos that illustrate why Loring was not a sought-after assignment.

I was not at Loring when this happened, but I am posting it here because it is the saddest B-52 photo that I have ever seen. It looks like she is trying to keep her nose up and escape from the flames.

Below are some pics of the housing unit that we had at Connors. See that VW in the driveway? It got me to work EVERY day. What they said about those things going through the snow is true. Of course, the VW "defroster" was so inadequate that I would have to use a scraper to clean off the INSIDE of the windshield as I drove down the road. Great memories... Note that my snow removal team is at work after a light dusting.

Here are some shots of the good side. Summer time was great. That is a photo of my back yard at Connor, and one of Brian on the Honda ATC ready for some fun. That Honda was too much fun. I would love to have one now. The next photo shows the badadah (potatoe) pickers in a field. I'm guessing that Tom and Sean are out there somewhere earning their 10 cents a barrel. The last pic is of Tom picking apples in a "volunteer" apple grove. I used these apples for stuffing for the Ruffed Grouse that I bagged. Indescribably delicious!.!.!.! They were so good that the ex would actually ask me when I was going hunting again.

As of December 2004, here are some more slides that I have scanned. Click "Back" on your browser to return to this page:

Photos from around Loring -- Click here