Carr TV & Satellite

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 Carr TV home

Satellite systems available at Carr TV

Our Dish NetworkTm Satellite systems are usually installed on the Digital Home Advantage promotion.  This means you end up with everything FREE! 

    You can get 1, 2, 3, or 4 receivers (one needed for each different channel you might need at the same time), with no charge for the dish, wires, receivers, or installation.  Well, you actually pay $50 for the installation at first, but you get that back off your first programming bill. 

    Things to consider: 

1.) Extra receivers cost you $4.99 extra on the monthly bill.  You can avoid some of this by getting our Dual-Tuner models (model 322, 522, or 942), which will run two TV's on different channels, without the $5 charge for the second one (only if it's connected to the phone line, though) 

2.) You can have a DVR (like Tivo) model (model 510), with a built-in hard drive, for up to 60 hours of recording capability, without a VCR.  This does add $4.98 per month to your bill, but people who have it, love it!  You can also get this in the two-tuner model (model 522) for no more extra cost than the model 510. See the descriptions below.

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Carr TV home

Carr TV & Satellite
512 8th Street
Two Harbors, MN 55616-1460
Phone: (218) 834-4838
Fax: (218) 834-4838