The Andersons:

Chapter 7


    Meanwhile, Denise was spinning a different tale to Roxann in Guatemala.  She told Roxannn that they were not to have any contact with the Andersons, or else she would drop the case.

    Audrey’s paperwork was again kicked out of PGN on Jan. 27.  This time there was a reason due to a misspelling on the DNA document.  Denise reassured them the case would be re-submitted in 15 days.  On Feb. 28 they were informed their file was back in PGN, yet their Source in Guatemala said otherwise.

    Things got even uglier between Denise and the Andersons when she found out they had the Source in Guatemala giving them truthful, accurate and timely information. 

    During February and early March, the Andersons made several emails and telephone calls to Building Blocks, none of which were returned.  When Gina tracked Denise down – perhaps when Denise was actually at the Marco, Marco & Bailey offices – Denise claimed again she had called them back and emailed them.  She told Gina Vickie may wish to check her Deleted Messages folder, hinting Vickie had been deliberately deleting Denise’s responses!

    Gina was in tears.  She knew her mother-in-law wanted Audrey home as desperately as she and Andrew. Why Denise chose to tell her such lies was pure cruelty on Denise’s part.  Denise is like a RAD case. She is immune to the pain she causes others.

    But Denise went further in her emotional infliction of pain on Gina Anderson and Andrew.  She was on a slash and burn power trip. 

    Denise told Gina Audrey’s birthmother was currently pregnant and would give birth in June.  She was going to relinquish this baby for adoption.  Would Gina be interested in adopting this new baby?

    Gina asked Denise if there was any way to waive the fees for the adoption of the new baby.  The baby would be a sibling of Audrey’s and Gina thought BBAS would wish to keep siblings together.  And give worthy clients a discount when such wonderful events presented themselves.

    The terms “Discount” and “Denise Lynn Harding Hubbard” cannot be in the same webpage, much less the same sentence (other than sentences and webpages like this one, of course).  Denise said BBAS would not waive any of the fees for this new baby. The contract states the following about a second adoption: “the foreign and legal source fees shall remain the same at $20,000…$2,000 to BUILDING BLOCKS upon the identification of the child.”

    Gina sadly declined.  There was no way on Earth they could come up with $22,000.  That would have meant financial ruin.  Denise reassured her the baby would be offered to another BBAS family.

    Gina had just wanted to know why their case was not in PGN as Denise had told them.  Meanwhile their Source had confirmed it was NOT in PGN.  What was going on?  Could she get an answer?

    Denise said she had called PGN (yes, Denise, who doesn’t know any other language than English, and not even terribly well at that).  She had learned from somebody at PGN that their case had been “black flagged.” A PGN attorney had “black flagged” their case because “someone” had gone to PGN and offered them $1,000 to expedite the case. 

    They’d heard in Guatemala from other adoptive families that this was done; nobody had done this in Audrey’s case. The Andersons hadn’t the money, the inclination or the morality to do such at thing.  They didn’t even know where PGN was. They believed Denise had been given a twisted version of Andrew’s Jan. 13 email to Mr. Rosales.

    Yet Denise insisted their case was in PGN. They demanded she provide proof. According to the Andersons, the attorney gets a receipt when a case is submitted into PGN.  If Audrey’s paperwork was there, there should be a receipt.  They asked for a faxed copy to be sent to them.

    They never received this receipt, for just as their Source truthfully said, their case was not in PGN.  If it wasn’t there, where was it? 

    Denise Hubbard wasn’t finished tearing down the Andersons.  She mailed them one piece of email “proof” regarding Andrew “bribing” PGN.  It arrived in the mail stamped duplicate along with a typically atrociously written letter dated March 9 and signed by Denise Hubbard, Executive Director.

Dear Gina and Andrew

Per my phone conversation with Gina and Andrew, I have enclosed a copy of the communication I received from overseas in reference to someone on the behalf of the Anderson family offering $1,000 USD (one thousand) to the Guatemalan Government to expedite the adoption of the Anderson family.  We would like to inform you that we do not condone these actions.  It is unknown if this allegation did occur, but we would like to state for the record that our organization is informing you that offering bribes to government officials is illegal and can cause serious issues for your adoption process as well as other families in the process.  As from the beginning, from this point we intend to move forward to bring Inez home as quickly and legally as possible.  We would encourage you not to contact government officials and to allow the team overseas to work on your behalf.

    Can you spot the BBAS blame-the-clients tricks? 

    One thing that rankled the Andersons throughout their internment with Building Blocks was Densise’s inability to use the name of their daughter.  At no time does Denise call the baby Audrey.  She continually referred to Audrey by her Spanish name – Inez – throughout her relationship with this family.

    With the letter came an email and an instant message also stamped DUPLICATE. The email was dated Monday, March 8 and is as follows:

--- Original Message ----



Subject: RE: Things

Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 20:38:23 – 0600


>Please email or call Stephanie (Stephanie call Roxana and get answers, please) >and let me know why the Anderson case is not in PGN? When I met you at the >hotel you told me the case was in PGN that Friday.  I told the family this and >they are upset because >they called PGN and PGN told them their file is not in.  >Please advise.

The lawyers in PGN (with her approval) sent a letter to the attorney requesting not to give info to anyone except him, since the problem with the Andersons offering money to get the case out.  She will call the lawyer, Mynor, and ask him for the case number (the dossier was submitted two weeks ago) and call me this afternoon to give it to me.

>Also, I want to be able to place the sibling to Inez Pia.  The Anderson family >does NOT want the sibling.   But I would like to place the child.

She will send her information tomorrow noon.  They are gathering all her paperwork and putting it in order.

>Thank you


    Denise and Roxann are saying a lot in this email.  Either there was a miscommunication regarding the email Andrew sent Mr.Rosales, or somebody in Guatemala hadn’t accurately read what Andrew sent.

    We feel this email is slanderous.  Denise Hubbard accepted the word of her reps over the word of her paying clients.  She did not go back and ask Andrew directly what had been said. Instead she assumed one of her clients would pay bribes.  What does that say about the field Denise Hubbard is making her money in?

    Notice Denise setting her sights on the unborn baby, Audrey’s sibling.  She wasn’t seeing a baby in a womb, still attached to its biological mother.  All she saw was a potential sale, a baby in a womb with a price tag wrapped around its head.  She didn’t see the baby as an individual, she didn’t care about the choice the biological mother was making, nor did she care if the baby would be born healthy.  She just saw the profit.

    The other document sent was the undated Instant Message exchange between Stephanie and Denise.  Here are some excerpts from it:

Denhub65 says: So if I read your email right the Andersons offered PGN money to get their case out quicker?

Stephanie says: YES…and u reaaally cannot do that in pgn.

Denhub65 says: They tell me no way they never did it.  I know!  I was shocked!  Is this going to cause problems?  I know Gina had nothing to do with this.  The adoptive mother that is.  Did Rox say anything about problems?

Stephanie says: Yes, she mentioned this prob with pgn, but mainly just that why

Denhub65 says: Why they offered money PGN asked Rox this?

Stephanie says: they called mynor about this and asked him if he was involved in that

Denhub65 says: and he of course said no

Stephanie says: evidently

Denhub65 says: and also the adoptive mother, I really doubt she was.  I cannot speak for anyone else in her family but she was in tears.  Will PGN not approve the adoption now

Stephanie says: no, there is no prob now…at least she didn’t say this

Denhub65 says: did PGN say who called and offered them money

Stephanie says: apparently someone showed up. Was the family here

Denhub65 says: ahh yes they were

Stephanie says: ok rox said she received an email from the Andersons where they would offer US$1000 to pgn to get the case processed sooner and she never answered that email and the mother has a contact in pgn and they said that the problem is with mr anderson’s mother? do you know her

Denhub65 says: can she send me a copy of the email please.

Stephanie says: Evidently they showed up with another couple and offered money to pgn. U need to talk to your fams about this.  i know there are people that take money but supposedly pgn is an honorable institution and this is an offense to them.  Rox said she didn’t think there would be a prob with the case but that’s why only mynor, the lawyer, can get info from pgn and the family must not get involved. Okay I need to get back to work chat later by

Denhub65 says: thank you.

    One is left wondering why Denise didn’t ask the Andersons for a copy of the email sent to the attorney to clear up the misinformation about alleged bribery.

    The entire instant message stung, not only Gina and Andrew, but Vickie. Stephanie implies it was all Vickie’s undertaking since SHE HAD A SOURCE who was HELPING THEM outside of the Diaz-Duran network. 

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