Denise at Her Trolling Best


    This began innocuously enough, but reached a fever pitch in March 2001 between BBAS and the Blevinses. Denise reverted back to her old “trolling” self — á la Christine Belges from 1999. Since Denise knew that we and the Blevinses were in regular contact, she wanted to find out how much we had told them.

    Let us mention that Dorothy corresponded with us using a Yahoo! account.  Dorothy had an America Online account as well which she  primarily used for correspondence with Building Blocks.  

    She did not correspond with us or Sue Corrigan from the AOL account. Neither us nor the Corrigans knew that Dorothy and Gary had AOL.

    BBAS used to email her at her AOL account with no problems in the beginning. Denise Hubbard and her employees were the only people who corresponded with the Blevins using them through their AOL addresses. 

    Since Denise always seemed to be online — she did a lot of communications with clients on AOL and “Instant Messaging” (Sue Corrigan mentioned that when she had first started the journey with BBAS that Denise would regularly pop in on her when she was online and it got to be very annoying), we suspect Denise was not above creating various email address on America Online to troll her clients and others. 


    And if it wasn’t Denise, it was somebody who used the same arguments and words that Denise Hubbard did, and knew Dorothy Blevins’ AOL address. Pretty small set of people there.


    On Feb. 28, as Dorothy was online, she received a message from a “Carol” at asking for information about Building Blocks. Dorothy responded vaguely; Gary warned her not to say anything bad about the agency.


    “Carol” came back again wanting more information! Dorothy told her to go to the EEAC Agency Registry site and to join the EEAC Bulgaria list if she wanted information on Bulgarian adoption and BBAS.


    By giving “Carol” this information, Dorothy was hoping that “Carol” would come across us and contact us privately.


    When queried how she had gotten Dorothy’s email address, “Carol” said that she had gotten it from Denise who told her that Dorothy was a reference for BBAS.


    Denise had used Dorothy once before as a reference for another client that she was trying to rope into a Bulgarian adoption. She had given Dorothy’s name and telephone number to a lady out on the West Coast as a referral.


   Why would Denise use Dorothy as a reference if Maria wasn’t home yet?  But at least Denise told Dorothy ahead of time that she had given the reference her email as a contact. Dorothy was happy to act, at that time, as a reference for the agency.


    Dorothy related the following to me about this: “Denise did tell her to contact me.  She said that she would lose her referral if she did not travel immediately, and since they were looking for a little girl, that it would be a long time before they could get another referral so I told the woman to go! Boy have I learned a lot in the past few months!”


    On her AOL “Buddy List,” Dorothy had “bbadoption2,” Denise’s handle on AOL.  She then added CapitalOne2001 to the Buddy List.


    Dorothy said to us in an email dated the same day “Now comes the stranger part …I have emailed this lady several times and in the past hour or so. It was very strange that shortly after she signed off of AOL, back on comes bbadoption2 who had not been on until this other lady is gone!”


    Dorothy began to track her AOL account better the next few days. On March 1 she wrote us,

If only one person from an AOL account can be signed on and Denise seems to ALWAYS be online, it started seeming strange that Denise was not on when this other lady was.  Just to calm my suspicions, I watched the Buddy List for quite a LONG time and at NO time did I see Denise and this other lady on at the same time!… In the past, Denise would email me if she gave someone my name as a reference, and this time she didn’t…and the fact that these two names are not on the Buddy List at the same time just seems a little too strange.

    Stranger indeed was some of the feedback that “Carol” was handing back to Dorothy. After being told that Denise had given her Dorothy’s name and email as a contact, she kept on coming back at her, asking Dorothy for something bad about BBAS.


    Dorothy related their experiences to date — traveling to see Maria and how Maria was doing. Then “Carol” wanted to know the worst that Dorothy could give her about BBAS! 


    Dorothy said that the only thing they may have concerns about was the lack of specific answers to questions they had about Maria’s health. She told “Carol” that they had gotten a few other photos and a short video from Denise’s Christmas romp in December.


    Then from “Carol’”s keyboard came the DENISE HUBBARD lines. If you didn’t know her arguments so well, she might have fooled you. 


    She wrote back: “If you were able to get updates at all, then that sounded better than all of the other agencies that I have contacted.” 


    All the other agencies “Carol” had contacted told her that after the initial information that she received on the child, the agency would not get any other information until she picked the child up (not true — Focus On Children supplies a few of their clients with updates). 


    “Carol” slipped into one of the most tellingly Denise-speak arguments: “Many of the other agencies sounded like they were only in it for the money and most won’t give you any information about adoption until you send them their money.” 


    This is not the case. Both AIAA and VIDA supply helpful information to you — before you pay them one red cent.


    The last email/instant message exchange between Dorothy and “Carol” was typical Denise-speak.


    Dorothy asked “Carol” if she had contacted other BBAS clients. “Carol” responded (this is a laugh), Yes I contacted several, and all but one were very positive and the one that was not was — ‘very strange and mean’!” When Dorothy asked who she had contacted, the woman did not tell her.


    To set the record straight: at no time did we receive an email from a “Carol” at asking about our adoption experience with BBAS. We keep track of those who have enquired about our experiences with BBAS in email. was not an email address we had responded to. Nor would we have given them, at that time, Dorothy Blevins’ AOL address, because we did not know she had an AOL account. Sue Corrigan was also in the dark and said she had never been contacted by “Carol” either.


    We strongly suspect “Carol” was Denise Hubbard (or somebody working on Denise Hubbard’s behalf) trolling Dorothy to see what was being said about BBAS. The lengths the woman would go to to hurt her clients!

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