BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally came and appeared



(Adoptive Parents Name)


Who enter into this contract voluntarily and without any duress or coercion, and promise to abide by the obligations specified herein.  This contract is made between Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc., a licensed child-placing agency accredited by the Russian Federation to complete adoptions within Russia, and ______________ [AP Names]


The purpose of this contract is to specify the rights and responsibilities of the parties hereto, relative to the application for adoption made by ______________ for international adoption from Russia.  In conjunction with said application, Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc., as an accredited agency within the Russian Federation, hereby assumes and can assume the following obligations:


- Review of the dossier compiled, including but not limited to an approved home study from the state of residence as well as background information such as criminal clearances, letters of reference, birth certificates and other documents necessary for an international adoption as required by the country of Russia, a judge or other governmental entity in Russia and/or Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc.,

- Approve or deny the application for international adoption based on the aforesaid review

- Write appropriate recommendations for potential adoptive parents that are approved, and provide written reasons for denial

- Have representatives of Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc., in Russia submit the approved dossier in accordance with Russian law to the Department of Education and to the court

- To pass on any information received from the Department of Education relative to any child that may be available for adoption

- Receive official permission to visit the region and pass it onto potential adoptive parents

- Help parents and represent their interests in all areas permitted by law

- To inform applications through each case worker about travel dates

- Supervise the registration of the child at the Consulate and

- To submit Post Placement reports to the Russian government in accordance with Russian law and in the required time frame.


It is further the responsibility of Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc. to respect the confidentiality of the potential adoptive parents in the same manner that all adoptive parents’ confidentiality is respected, all in accordance with the law.


The family responsibilities include the following:

- To register the child at the Consulate in Moscow prior to leaving Russia with their child

- To report to Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc. through their case worker, in writing (in the form of a post placement report completed by a licensed social worker) about the well being of the adopted child within 1 month after arrival in the US or their country or residence

- Provide Post Placement reports from their Social Worker according to the time frames specified in Russian law [currently 6 months, 12 months, 24 months and 36 months after their return home]

- To provide Post Placement reports, through their Social Worker at any times specified by the Russian Federation, should the time frames be changed.

- To provide all Post Placement reports 1 month prior to their due date in Russia

- To comply with the confidentiality clause below [see **] and

- To contact Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc. or their case worker in the event that any adjustment issues arise after returning home for which they need intervention or assistance.


Additionally, applicants understand that international adoption from Russia may be impeded by various delays and obstacles, and do hereby specifically release Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc. from any liability for (1) any delays in their adoption process; (2) any impediment or obstacle to adoption; (3) any claim based on the emotional, psychological or physical condition of any child placed with AP, (4) any medical or other records or information concerning any child placed with AP; (5) any act or omission by the case worker providing any adoption related or home study services; (6) any action of the Russian Judiciary which adversely effects their attempt to adopt in Russia, and (7) any act or omission or any foreign representative.


Applicants understand and agree that Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc. assumes no financial responsibilities for costs, fees, expenses or any other item that may arise during or after their adoption process; that the approval by Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc. is the approval of an accredited child-placing agency and does not guarantee the outcome of the adoption.


Applicants understand and agree that they can be rejected by the court and that any decision of the court cannot be reversed by Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc.  Applicants understand and agree that Beacon House Adoption is not legally liable for any acts or omissions of foreign representative, but that in the event that a foreign representative acts in a way contrary to the ethics of Beacon House Adoption Services, applicants can report this and Beacon House can fire the representative.


FURTHER, the family specifically agrees that they will not communicate with Beacon House representatives in Russia after their adoption.  Under no circumstances will family contact the foreign representatives at any time relative to any issue other than their own adoption.


Finally, family agrees that any breach in any of the obligations stated above will be considered a material breach and that as a result, Beacon House may pursue legal action against parents if they fail to comply with this contract.  Family agrees that in the event of such legal action, they assume the responsibility to pay all attorney fees and expenses of litigation, including those of Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc.  Family further agrees that any and all litigation pursuant to this contract shall take place in Iberville Parish, Louisiana.  Applicants understand and agree that execution and delivery of this contract is a condition precedent to receiving services from the accredited agency.




** The family _______________ [Names] hereby agrees to keep all information about their adoption confidential and not disclose it to any third (3rd) party at any time for any reason.  This includes but is not limited to: Phone numbers and/or email addresses of foreign representatives in Russia, the contents of this contract, any financial information available to them, any information on any child that might be referred by the Department of Education, or any other information that could reasonably be considered confidential in an adoption process.  Applicants specifically waive the right to discuss any of the business of Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc. on the Internet, and this includes any information about the processes followed by Beacon House Adoption, this contract, financial information, etc. 


Applicants specifically agree that in the event they feel it necessary to terminate their association with Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc., that under no circumstances will they provide any third party, other agency, intermediary, facilitator or any other person or entity with a copy of this contract or any information about Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc.


Thus done and signed this ____ day of ____________ 2____, at __________________ (city), ___________________________ (state).




____________________________                            ___________________________

Signature                                                                      Signature










Rep of Beacon House Adoption _______________________





STATE OF _____________

COUNTY OF _____________


BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally came and appeared



(Adoptive Parents Name)


who, after being duly sworn, did depose and state that: They are pursuing an adoption from Russia and declare that they have contracted Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc.  Affiants further depose that they have been educated by their adoption agency as to the relationship between their adoption agency as to the relationship between their adoption agency and Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc.  and how this relationship will assist in their adoption process in Russia. 


Affiants further depose and state that they specifically authorize and release to Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc. any information contained in their home study and other documentation which will be necessary for their application for approval from BHAS, the accredited agency.  Affiants further declare that by this affidavit, they are specifically making application for services under the agreement existing between their local adoption agency and Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc. 


Affiants understand that international adoption from Russia may be impeded by various delays and obstacles, and do hereby specifically release Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc. from any liability for (1) any impediment or obstacle to adoption (2) any claim based on the emotional, psychological or physical condition of any child placed with AP, (3) any medical or other records or information concerning any child placed with AP; (4) may act or omission by the local adoption agency providing any adoption related services; and (5) any action of the Russian Judiciary which adversely effects their attempt to adopt in Russia.


Finally, Affiants declare that they will not take any action that would adversely affect their adoption process or the status of Beacon House Adoption Services, Inc., either in the United States or Russia, as long as Beacon House Adoption Services has provided the services, Affiants requested; specifically review of documents and issuance of an appropriate approval or denial, based on the content of those documents.


Affiants understand and agree that execution and delivery of this affidavit is a condition precedent to receiving services from the accredited agency.