Chapter Eleven

Questions of Accreditation and Money


    Alysha, her nose to the grindstone, continued to find out more about Amrex and its operations in Russia and the United States.

    She learned “umbrellaing” under Beacon House’s accreditation was ultimately illegal in Russia. Yet whenever this fact was brought up, it was passed off as trivial — just the way they do business “over there.”

    How did Amrex and Beacon House get away with callously circumventing Russia’s adoption edicts?

    What really gnawed at the Towells was the pernicious $6,000 “orphanage donation” Brian gave to Tatyana Dmitriyeva in April. Had it really gone to the orphans as Denise Hubbard had promised Alysha back in November?

    With the number of adoptions Tatyana and Svetlana were handling in Amur that year, $6,000 per family was a nice hunk of change. 

    When Alysha ultimately traveled to Amur in January 2002, it was evident that not one red cent of this “orphanage donation” was going to the children in Oleg and Elena’s orphanage. 

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