Chapter Fifteen

Endgame With BBAS


    The endgame approached for the Towells, Amrex, BBAS and its affiliated cast of characters. Alysha was fed up with the lot of them and wanted to have a bit of fun with the one character who had seemed so nice and “helpful” during the entire adoption mess ... Wendy Stamper, the weakest link in the adoption chain.

    Wendy and Alysha had been on very good terms up until one day. 

    Alysha related to me that she would have lengthy telephone calls with Wendy at Wendy’s home. One day Wendy called Alysha in tears because she had been blasted by an angry Russia client who had turned down two referrals from Russia. 

    This client must have been supremely nasty to our goodly Wendy Stamper. Granted, if you worked for Denise Hubbard in any capacity, you could expect such treatment from your over-promised, under-delievered, sad and financially strapped clients.  

    One would think Wendy had learned this lesson. But she hadn’t.  

    Perhaps she enjoyed being yelled at and berated because of the lies her “boss” Denise Hubbard was continually telling their PAYING clients about the adoption process and their children?

    Whatever the angry client had yelled hit its mark. She sobbed to Alysha, “You understand me so well! I try to help these people out, but it’s all out of my control!”

    Alysha is a compassionate woman. She heard the grave sadness and hurt in Wendy’s voice. She said to Wendy “That’s okay Wendy. You’re doing the best you can. I understand.”

    At the time Alysha did understand. But one thing not understood is why Wendy Stamper sticks around such an organization that treats its clients so shabbily. And sits and listens to her boss as she fobs the angry paying clients off on her and Richard J. Marco Jr. when it was through Denise’s own mistreatment of them they were reacting against.

    Alysha replied to Wendy and sent the following, informative email. We suppose Wendy has the intellectual capacity to understand the Russian law quoted. After reading this, she forwarded on to her boss Denise.

From:     Alysha Towell

Date:      Monday, October 22, 2001 11:14 AM


Subject:  Re: Important

I received the message I was waiting for this morning. Unfortunately even if I wanted to I cannot call off the appeal it is already in the works I can't just say OK I quit at this point. Even if I did they would still make a decision and let me know about it even if I do nothing with the outcome of the decision.

I do not however have a court date in November or any court date whatsoever as I can't be assigned one until the supreme court makes a decision and until Brian personally signs the final court decree. This process will be months in the making. We had no intention of "accepting assignment" of another child before whatever child we receive through your contract.

We do however know that it is part of your contract with Amrex that we not accept placement of Oleg or Elena without your assistance. This we cannot help. Don't ask us how we know but we do.

This said. We will not send something saying either of the things you requested. Our final court decree papers will help us decide to pursue Oleg and Elena or not and we won't know until we see them. It would have made it a whole lot easier if you guys had just provided for us to look at in the first place like your letter you sent suggested you would do. This is the point we became suspicious of the goings on of our case.

As for Oleg and Elena we won't know until the decision and we won't call it now.

As for Alexander we would very much love to go and get him. We'd go tomorrow if we were allowed but, I see we are in a catch 22. I will offer now to make 2 trips for him to finish up the process quickly for you. I know that if I traveled next week with the homestudy and a few other documents for 4 days that Brian and I could go back for him in 3 weeks which would put him safely home before Christmas.

I also know that this would be near impossible for Amrex to do as they have not even put a hold on him for us yet. Not only is he listed for other agencies but, a couple who went 2 weeks ago was offered his referral while they were at the orphanage. In fact if I was so inclined to waste my money that I've reserved for Oleg and Elena I could pay this other agency for Alex and travel for my first trip in 3 days. I won't do that though but I thought you guys should know I've learned a bit about the way this works.

The reason you guys can offer him with one trip after October is because, you or Amrex haven't actually been registered as an adoption agency in the past few months but, little Alex is eligible for the umbrella with Beacon House. Funny though how that new law clearly states now that umbrealling is illegal. Check the law for yourself. Here I'll include it for you.


Division of a social - pedagogical
support and rehabilitation of children
# 01-59-23/28-12  on  04.25.01
To: International Bar Associations
On your letter from 22.03.200 ? 84/1, the Division informs the following.
1) According to item 27 of the Rules of transfer of children on adoption and control of conditions of their life and education in families of adopters in the territory of the Russian Federation, affirmed by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from March, 29, 2000 ? 275, data on a child subject to adoption, and a referral for visiting the child in a place of his habitation, are granted to the adopters on the basis of the required documents indicated in item 27.
2) The refusal by the Department of Education of the region of Russian Federation in giving a referral for adopters and issuing a referral for the visiting of the child, in any case where the required documents are provided by the adopters personally and such documents meet all requirements in item 27, is illegal.
3) The current practice of which non-accredited agencies giving representation in territories of the Russian Federation of organization and continue adoption activity in Regions of the Russian Federation on the selection of children, receiving of referrals, preparation of the conclusions and so on, and having received thus the consent of the accredited adoption agency and acting on behalf of such accredited adoption agency, is illegal.
Also for your attention, the accredited adoption organization bears total and complete responsibility for actions on representation of interests of candidates in adoptions, addressed in the accredited organization, and also for all other actions made from its name.   
The head of the division          




I couldn't get the Cyrilic to insert itself so I put the English version up. I don't mean to be rude at all with you Wendy but, I thought that this might demonstrate successfully why I don't believe a word Amrex said. I can't justify anything they've done.

I trust you, but I don't trust them as far as I can throw them and I can't even pick them up. I didn't want this to get ugly but, apparently that is unavoidable.

As for the couple that wants Oleg and Elena, no evidence in court shows they exist and even if they wanted to adopt the children they can't do a thing about while the appeals go on.

Also if Amrex is planning on doing any illegal adoption of my children they should know the orphanage director is being notified that Oleg and Elena's next legal adoptive visitor's will be Brian and I. The court and the Russian equivalent of the attorney general have also been notified.

I'm not required to tell you this but, you have learned quite a bit about me Wendy. Don't you know I will stop at nothing for Oleg and Elena. I mean according to you guys I've already screwed my chances with anyone else anyway right. I am sending this to just you in attempt to make you understand.

I notice that every time it's so-called important Denise gets a copy too. It's up to you who you show this to. Since I've also noticed that Denise is a cut and paster I am not only svaing this letter to my files but, I've printed it and had it notarized at the JAG office so it can't be altered. Like I said I trust you but, I don't trust the powers that be anymore.

If you want to get Alex for us we will fully cooperate but, we cannot call off Oleg and Elena's proceedings at this time. I'm sorry for the trouble this may cause you.

The Towell's

    Everything that Alysha stated in the above email is true regarding their love and devotion towards Oleg and Elena. She and Brian had pulled out all the stops for their adoption, going over and beyond what the usual BBAS/Amrex client would have done.  

    Wendy, and by extension Denise, knew that Alysha, once her mind was made up, could not be halted in her tracks.

    Alysha was also 100 percent correct about Denise sending out emails with the title “Important” in order to grab her clients’ attention. Certainly, Always Online Denise had a copy forwarded to her inbox right after Wendy read it.  

    The quoted Russian legislative law must have stirred something in Denise after she looked it over, for that evening, after a quiet meal at home with Tiffany and Brody, the following Instant Message (IM) exchange occurred between Alysha and Denise L. Hubbard on their respective AOL accounts.

    Alysha said to me that she thought Denise would be “on fire” after her email and the umbrellaing law, but, “quite the contrary” happened. 

    Denise hid her Dark Side for a moment and reentered the swarmy bright side of her agency director persona. She had previously warned Alysha not to forward BBAS correspondence to anybody (read this website and ask why she requested Alysha not do that), but by this point Denise had lost her.

    For this IM conversation, Alysha played along with Denise’s game. Make note of all the Hubbardisms that Denise uses — in the space of a few lines of correspondence!  Alysha had heard them all before and knew they were nothing but empty promises from a shady woman.

    Again, ask yourself if Denise practices these lines, if she has them in a script in her mind as she types or if it is by rote that she writes and says them.

bbas5521: Alysha?
AB TOWELL: Yes is this Denise?
bbas5521: Yep
AB TOWELL: What did you decide?
bbas5521: Hey, I met with our legal counsel and he is going to call and talk to the head rep tomorrow about your case to see what he can do to get this completed  we want to complete this
but we cannot if the foreign reps will not so he is going to call them tomorrow sometime
AB TOWELL: Well I appreciate that more than words can describe. I realize it's going to be tough for you to convince the Russians to go for this.
bbas5521: Well all day I have been trying  I understand where they are coming from, but I am frustrated as well  from the very beginning you know I wanted you to have Oleg and Elena, but the gov't felt different I guess, not right, but we have no control over this

AB TOWELL: I want them to be sure about this too because I'm not into the deja vu thing. I'm sure you guys aren't either.
bbas5521: I agree totally, this whole thing is a mess, I am just in shock that you were denied anyway. Makes no sense, but the judge has the right to do what he likes. It is a shame But If for some reason the reps will not allow this I am for sure going to fight to get you some refund back
If necessary Brian and I can take our final court decree and show that the allegations are unnecessary with our counter evidence if you guys think it will help since we have to admit the denial.

    To this day, Alysha and Brian Towell, wait for their refund back from Denise Hubbard, Amrex and Richard J. Marco, Jr.  DENISE LIED here about that refund.  Here we have it in her own words — REFUND — a blatant LIE to her clients who were already in debt to their families and their bank for these two children.

    OK, to give Denise credit for her weaseling skills, she didn’t explicitly promise them anything except that she would “fight” for the Towells’ refund. But how hard did she? Did she?

    And considering that BBAS took in, and still takes in, plenty of cash from prospective parents, why couldn’t she have just paid all or even some of what Alysha and Brian were due out of her own or BBAS’s pocket and recouped it later? Wouldn’t that have been the honorable thing to do?

    But of course you know that honor and Denise Hubbard are not to be found in the same room, much less the same city.

    Meanwhile, Denise and her family live in a $335,000 home in that fancy subdivision in Medina City on the half-acre lot.

    Con artists live well.

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