Chapter Seventeen

Good Riddance to BBAS and Richard J. Marco, Jr.


    As always happens in one’s acrimonious relationship with Denise Hubbard, there comes the time when, after she has run through all her available lies, her miscalculations and her continual denial of wrongdoing, she severs all ties with the unruly party. 

    This happened with us.

    It happened with Mary Hutchison. 

    It happened with the Badys. 

    Now, the Towells’ time had come for the big break.

    In early November after Denise learned that Alysha had contacted us and the Towells weren’t going to drop their appeal for Oleg and Elena, it was finished between the two women.

    During their final telephone conversation, Denise let Alysha have it.  Alysha reports that no matter how angry Denise Hubbard became, she never used foul language (that was our department). Not even this particular day.

    But contacting the Cases — she found out somehow — was the glue on that envelope. Denise said to Alysha again how insane we were, how nasty we were and how we would “report” her to the MOE in Moscow. Like all Daniel and Elizabeth Case had to do all day was “report” BBAS clients to the MOE in Moscow? 

    Denise shut the door in their face, took their money and didn’t even bother to refund them one red cent (even though she had promised in her Instant Message she would). Oh, and to speak to Richard J. Marco, Jr. Ohio’s best divorce attorney from thereon in.

    Alysha happily complied and called Mr. Marco towards the end of November at his office.  

    She says that her conversation with “Rick” was cordial. He was polite. 

    Nobody ever said he was impolite on the telephone — just an asshole when he became “corporate counsel” for BBAS.

    Alysha told him that BBAS was operating illegally in Russia when the umbrellaed off of Beacon House. She went on to describe to him how badly translated their original court documents were by Tatyana.  

    He asked her to fax these to him. She stressed that Tatyana never told the court that she had broken her leg. Instead, Tatyana, in her official documents, had merely stated that Alysha had been “ill” and that is why she could not be in court (which meant to their minds that she didn’t care about the kids)

    He said that he agreed with her about how BBAS and Amrex were acting and that he would “advise Denise” that it would be in her and Amrex’s best interest to give the Towells’ a refund for Oleg and Elena’s adoptions. He even went as far as to say that they would have a meeting with Amrex and ask about the refunds.

    He also said that he’d call her back.

    Guess what folks? As of this writing, the Towells are still waiting for that meeting to take place. They are still waiting for Richard J. Marco Jr. to call them back. They are still waiting for their REFUND, or some proof that it was impossible to make, from these “adoption professionals.”

    Sound familiar?

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