Chapter Twenty

Farewell Oleg and Elena ...


    Irina and her colleague, Dmitry, were working hard on the new female judge in Amur. The judge told Dmitry that she was fairly certain she would be giving the Towells a court date, even after only having the eight-pound pile of documents for about a day. 

    She told Dmitry she had to make sure all the documents were in order.  Dmitry went back and explained to her, in a private conversation, that time was of the essence due to the extenuating circumstances of Amrex, Oleg’s health and the Russian woman possibly interested in pursuing the adoptions.

    The judge told Dmitry that she would review the documents and give Alysha and Brian a court date as soon as possible. Irina relayed this information to Alysha but their time had unknowingly elapsed.

    After the third dossier had been compiled it was sent to the Supreme Court in Moscow to put a hold on Oleg and Elena so Amrex couldn’t pull the children out from underneath them. They then had to request that the Supreme Court to send the documents back to Blagoveshchensk for the judge’s approval. Irina told Alysha not to worry, their court date would be assigned within 10 days.

    But all the expediting in the world wasn’t going to put a lock and hold on Oleg and Elena.

    On Dec. 24, the Russian woman who originally had turned down Oleg on the grounds that he was “a cripple” heard he was again available for adoption. He had so much reminded her of her late son, so she exercised her rights as a Russian citizen, and returned to Dom Rebyonok of the Amurskaya Oblast to see Oleg and to formally adopt him. 

    As soon as she saw Oleg walking like a “normal” boy, and on top of that his beautiful sister Elena, she was convinced that they were meant to be her children.  She was also an adherent of the Russian Orthodox faith. She did not believe Russian children should be adopted by foreigners; what was of Russia was for Russians.

    The single Russian woman, upon being declared the children’s mother, changed their names and took them off to her home to an unidentified region in Russia. This is the last information we have of Oleg and Elena.

    Alysha and Brian were devastated by the news. Alysha had hopes of traveling to Russia and attempting to have the new adoptive mother change her mind, but alas, that just was not going to happen. 

    Oleg and Elena were gone for good.


    This was not the outcome they had anticipated. It was cruel and sad after the months of fighting, lies and loss they had endured at the hands of BBAS, Amrex and Tatyana.  If only these parties had done their job as they had been paid to do, then none of this would have occurred.  None of it.

    But Irina assured Alysha that she could still complete an adoption for the Towells independently in Amur. 

    Alysha, still flush with running around gathering their third dossier, discussed it with Brian. They had already spent so much money, so much time, so many days paining over the children’s adoption, what did they have to lose by pursuing the adoption of two other children?  Surely there were more children in Oleg and Elena’s orphanage who needed parents. 

    They decided to pursue an independent adoption in Amur with Irina O’Rear’s help for two other deserving children. 

    The Towells’ adoption experience was go to much better the second time around without Building Blocks, Amrex or Tatyana.

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