It really must have stunk to be Denise Hubbard in 2001 and 2002 as Daniel and I continued our Internet onslaught slamming BBAS. Like a hammer or a constant drip of water, we were there.  

    I was always there to tell the TRUTH about what a liar and con artist Denise Hubbard was. It is hard to respect con artists or to show respect to someone when none was shown you.

    Denise had no other recourse but to fight back, using her clients as proxies. Like all good con artists, she risked nothing herself. She put her trusting, blinded clients up to the task using her tired arguments when we struck.

    The following are posts slamming us from the FRUA boards in from Dec. 29, 2001 to Jan. 2002.  

    Yes, I did get a little heated, but after hearing the same stories over and over again from clients about their treatment by Denise and her band of “professionals” in Russia and Bulgaria, it was the only outlet I had.  

    It saddens me to know there are so many ignorant people out there – people who have no clue how their money is funneling a nice lifestyle for a basically uneducated, conniving con artist who has probably doubled her income and housing space by selling children on the Internet.  And I stand by those comments.

    Leading the charge, we suspect, was Denise Hubbard herself.  

    Now, we cannot prove that this was Denise (the poster was using an AOL account), and the posts in question weren’t signed by Denise per se. 

    But the tone and the content of the language were Denise-isms. Even the spelling mistakes and grammar usage are consistent with Denise Hubbard’s extant writings. 

    We believe that you, the reader, will agree, after comparing them with the many Denise Hubbard emails and posts reprinted in the early chapters of this narrative.

    The first post actually attacked Mary Mooney under a thread called “EAC Network (European Adoption Consultants, OHIO).” Mary had responded, using her real name and email, to someone asking about EAC’s new Internet policy.  

    On Dec. 29, 2001, the following person, calling themselves “Adoptive Mom” posted:

Please remember that Mary Lib Mooney is NOT an adoption professional or a professional organization.  She is a person who was upset with her adoption process and has taken it upon herself to post only negative issues about adoption agencies and her site does not talk about the thousands of happy families or adoptions of the world that occur.  Please do not look at the adoption guide as your only resource when thinking adoption.  Ask for references from the agency your considering and check with the state license board.  Ms. Mooneys site is a site where she chooses what she wants to post an her personal opinion.  She has not had personal experiences with all adoption agencies.  Everything is heresay.

    Oh no! Had Denise finally figured out where people first heard about Cyril, BBAS, Daniel and Elizabeth and herself? “Everything is hearsay” is not true about The Adoption Guide!

    Ernie Jones cut in and called “Adoptive Mom”’s post harsh and stating that the things posted on Mary’s site were not hearsay. 

    On Dec. 31, 2001, “Adoptive Mom” came back, but this time calling herself “Mom – That is what they keep calling me all day!  I love it!”

Come on Ernie.  How was the below harsh?  It is TRUE facts.  Did you read her site?  She admits this herself.  She says that this is all her opinion.  So please do nt say that when it is in black and white and the author that created the site says it herself is harsh.

Agencies do not care about this site.  It is only an opinion of one persons site.  Come on.  Lets just look at getting the real info from other parents who have adopted through org., the BBB and the State lic. Board.  No one is being harsh this is factual.  IN MY OPINION.

Where can one post all the positive aspects of adoptions?

Please remember that Mary Lib Mooney is NOT an adoption professional or a professional organization.  She is a person who was upset with her adoption process and has taken it upon herself to post only negative issues about adoption agencies and her site does not talk about the thousands of happy families or adoptions of the world that occur.  Please do not look at the adoption guide as your only resource when thinking adoption.  Ask for references from the agency your considering and check with the state license board.  Ms. Mooneys site is a site where she chooses what she wants to post an her personal opinion.  She has not had personal experiences with all adoption agencies.  Everything is heresay.

    Then right underneath that bit of stupidity, she pops up again as “Mom again”:

Well I can tell you and I am sure that many on this site will agree with this.  When we post our real name and address certain vindictive people that are freq. Posters find it in their lovely cold hearts to bash us with private emails and public slamming.  SO why should we put our hearts on our sleeves?  We knew we hae a heart.

No bashing, no flaming.  All opinions, facts, no name calling here.  No need to!! You know who you are!

      Later on that day, under yet another topic called “Agency for Russian Adoption” a person we believe to be the same individual, posting as “Mom Mom Mom” stated:

Many agencies goals are to bring your children home.  Lets face it, no matter what business your in you cannot make everyone happy.  I deal with the public everyday and I can tell you I give the same service to everyone and 98% of the people are happy, it is the 2% that think the world owes them more.  So I have to say that no one, no where can make every one happy.  I commend agencies for putting up with some of the clients they have to deal with.  Money or no money on one should be treated the way some parents treat agencies or agencies treat parents.  There are two sides to every story.

But lets look at 2002 as a fresh start.  Bring kids home.  Spread the word that adoption is the option and these kids are great.

Being personally effected by 9-11 I can say I will and treat everyone with the same respect they give me.  Life is way to short for blaming and what if’s tomorrow may never come!

    2002 was to dawn the same exact way that 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 dawned for BBAS.  We are still waiting for their tomorrow to not arrive.

    And then, out on FRUA emerged ... TERI ATKINSON the Ace Butt-licking Denise Hubbard apologist of all time! 

    Teri had been waiting for her chance to strike at back at us. We had learned through another Internet channel that she had been censured at her job for the little exchange she had had with us in July.  But Teri, fool, punk and good homophobe that she was, just wasn’t going to let it go.

    It began under a few posts that I had answered a Karen who had enquired about using Building Blocks on Sept. 10, 2001. Karen had left her email address and I had also been able to contact her privately in email. Upon hearing Cyril’s story, the lack of a refund from our in-it-for the kids, goshdarnnit agency, she said thanks but no thanks.

    Due to what happened the very next day, the thread went dormant quickly and was to remain so for a few months.

    Then, on Dec. 19, Teri struck from her job (again! Did she ever learn?) posting as “BuildingBlocksClient. She left no email address.

Please do not listen to Elizabeth Case and her slander of Building Blocks Adoption Services.  We disagreed on another email list with her and her husband and they privately tried to slander us and also tried to get me in trouble where I work (fortunately my managers were smart enough to recognize what they were trying to do.)  They did go through a terrible experience in Russia, but the adoption agency was in no way responsible for that.  We used Building Blocks and would recommend others to use them also.  The Cases are using them as an outlet for their pain.

Once again, we highly recommend Building Blocks.

    A friend of ours named Pamela, another adopter burned by another agency in California, posted:

As posted on the other thread, nobody has the right to tell someone else’s adoption story except for them.  Whether a person thinks it’s a lie or exaggerated or truthful is each individual’s right and obligation.

You should be careful of libel yourself with the things you’re posting.  You admit the Cases went through pain and then slam them right back.  How compassionate.  Do you work for Building Blocks?  Shame on you!  This one is going in my book for SURE.

    “BuildingBlocksClient” came right back:

Pamela – You do not know of what the Cases did to me, so practice what you preach.

    Then I posted outing Teri: 

Teri Atkinson is the poster above.  She was posting from her work address engaging in harassing attitudes with not only ourselves but also with another Building Blocks client and another person from the EEAC Bulgaria list.  This took place on July 2, 2001.

If anybody is interested in the email exchange which took place between us, Mr. & Mrs. Atkinson, the other BBAS client and the other EEAC Bulgaria list person, I will be more than happy to provide that exchange.  This exchange was forwarded on to her WORK and also to the EEAC Bulgaria list manager – Beth Waggenspack.

Teri is coming over here as some sort of victim.  Instead, she comes over as a mouthpiece for Denise Hubbard.

Boo hoo hoo.  It’s a little late in coming, isn’t it Teri?  We’d do it again in a heartbeat.  Rember:  we as taxpayers pay for those computers that you work on from your job.

FRUA folks: ignore this little exchange.  I don’t like punks.  This woman is acting like a punk.

    Rest assured, to anybody who asked, I did forward along our exchange from July 2001.  Once read, those who asked were appalled. Never say I don’t say what I am going to do.

    Others spoke up — many regular FRUA posters — in our defense.

    “BuildingBlocksClient” — never denying she was Teri Atkinson — posted the following:

Punk?  Well, that’s an interesting response!  I now know I was correct in my impression of you.

Everyone is fully entitled to believe whatever they wish.  Everyone says they want to hear the good and the BAD.  But when anyone speaks up about the Cases they are immediately slammed.  Seems they reallu DON’T want to hear it.

Good luck to all of you on your adoption journey.  I feel sorry for the Cases.  They obviously spend most of their time in their vendetta against Building Blocks when they could spend valuable time with their son.

      The same arguments were continuing over on yet another thread (honestly, what had crawled into this woman’s colon and died?) in Teri’s onslaught. Posting again as “BuildingBlocksClient:”

Please do not believe everything that Elizabeth Case says about Building Blocks Adoption Services.  She has stated many lies on several different email lists.  If you would like to know the truth, please post your email list and I will email you privately.  I fear the Cases because of what they have done in the past with people who have disagreed with them.  We used Building Blocks to adopt our child and would highly recommend them.

    Gosh, Those Crazy Cases were such a force to be reckoned with! People posted their emails, and guess what? Teri never emailed them privately about the “lies” that we had perpetrated about Denise and her child brokering business.

    Because there aren’t any.

    “BuildingBlocksClient” continued:        

Gee Pamela, you seem very defensive about this.  I know by MY experience what the Cases did to someone who disagreed with them.  I would gladly have emailed you about my experience, but you seem very enraged about something (perhaps your own bad experience?).  That is why I don’t publicly post it.  It is MY story, as you would say.  Just as they are allowed to tell what they “say” happened to them.  I am also allowed to tell what happened to me. Is that not fair?

    Other cries of support went up, and a quick email response from me about Denise’s report to the ODHS, and tales of woe from other clients.

    “BuildingBlocksClient” foolishly continued:

Anyone can see by the replies to my post, why I don’t use my name.  It seems to me that E.Case wants to tell “her” story, but when someone disagrees she becomes very angry.  I know this from experience and will not post using my name, because I have been a victim of her and her husband’s wrath.

Now, you may obvioiusly believe whomever you choose, but please be cautious.  Things are not always as they seem.  I do know for a fact that the Cases were barred from posting to another adoption list.

    Daniel popped in and slammed Teri down good and hard. What Teri was referring to was an exchange where Kevin Koch, administrator of Dr. Downing’s site, told us that if we didn’t post nicey-nice about BBAS that he would have us “barred” from posting every Internet forum he could.  

    That was absolute b.s. because you know what?  I have posted over on that site and ... guess what? My posts are still there. 

    Ernie Jones had to eventually delete the threads in question.

    BUT, on Jan. 15, a Genesis client named “Elaine” created a topic on FRUA titled “Genesis/Amrex.”  

    Elaine had unknowingly created the ultimate FRUA meltdown where every BBAS happy client got in — Karen Dagget and one poor addled soul who got roped into adopting three kids from Kazakhstan by the name of Pat Langhals (now there was an ignorant person) began to praise BBAS to the skies after I made comment about what an abject horror show it was to adopt using Amrex/BBAS.

    And then, entered Denise’s homophobic savior, Teri Atkinson, posting from her HOME address and using her real name on Jan. 16:

This is off subject, but since Building Blocks was mentioned in an adverse fashion, I would like to say that we used them to adopt a wonderful little boy from Bulgaria.  Yes, E.Case’s story is hers, but be aware there are many other wonderful, success stories with Building Blocks such as ours.  We have attended the past two Bulgarian reunions and there are so many wonderful Russian and Bulgarian children that have been brought home with the help of Building Blocks.  I’m not saying that there are never any bad experiences.  I just want to tell the other side.

    God, Denise had to do better than this woman for a cheerleader! Was Denise writing the script and sending it to Teri to post?

    But the post was to go way, way beyond Teri, Karen Daggett, Pat Langhals and the Cases.

    Denise had her forces all lined up to stop Daniel and I.  A troll by the name of “Wondering …” who may or may not have been a BBAS insider posted the following (and, if this “Wondering…” is reading this website, I am sure we have answered all her questions, plus some.  And if they have any more questions, we have even more answers):

            E.Case –

Why don’t you post your whole story here so you don’t have to email everyone privately when they join the board. 

I have heard you refer to the “dead baby” which personally sounds so crude and uncaring. 

I have read your story on theadoptionguide website and find so many discrepancies and illogical things that I can’t imagine anyone reading it would think that the adoption agency did anything wrong.  Your baby was sick, granted, but the adoption agency did not kill it.  I don’t remember saying anything about seeking medical care for the baby.  Did you?  Not in your story. 

Another thing I found odd is when you didn’t want a second video of the baby.  Most of us are chomping at the bit to get pictures, videos, anything while we wait for the child.  Funny how you didn’t want the video. 

Lastly, how could your husband go off sightseeing when this child was so sick?  I just can’t imagine leaving my child who I thought was so sick to go off for my own pleasure. 

Okay, let the flaming begin, but I merely want some answers to some questions that have been bugging me for a long time.  Will these answers be on your website?


    I don’t know “Wondering…”  Are those answers on this website? I think that we’ve answered very question you had, plus provided proof positive of what a con artist and LIAR we were dealing with at Building Blocks.

     The next post, by anon4now, coming from a server at the University of Texas, was another swipe at us (interesting that these people couldn’t post who they actually were — must have been afraid that the BIG BAD CASES were gonna %!#$& them up), but there is some more Denise-speak in it:

We may need one after this too.  I think E. Case has had her 15 minutes of fame.  Her story is/was sad but she had responsibility to seek medical care also.  Furthermore, the continual bashing of BBAS gets old.  If they have made mistakes then I’m sure they by now have been made aware of them.  There are two sides to every story and they have done much good also…

    After these posts, the entire thread was summarily deleted by Ernie Jones, FRUA’s site administrator.

    Teri Atkinson, in her official capacity as Denise Hubbard ass-licker, continues to blindly spread misinformation about our adoption experience.  Everytime BBAS is mentioned, all of a sudden, Teri pops up defending them and traducing us.

    Funny thing is, though, most of the topics that we respond to on FRUA that Teri and her pal in Medina respond to, well, these topics are now deleted by Ernie Jones.

    And we will continue to post our experiences with Building Blocks, whether it be using our names or having to post anonymously. We will not be silenced. We will not be deterred (but in the future, this website will be the primary place where we speak out).

There’s more, unfortunately.


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