Chapter Fifty-Five

The Corrigans Get their Daughter  

    When the Corrigans saw the Atkinsons’ post, they were scared and livid.  Immediately, on Feb. 25, 2001, they telephoned BBAS and asked to speak with Denise.  

    But, seeing as she was hitched up at the Horse And Carriage Adoption Seminar, she was not available.  They received the following missive from Debbie Bollinger.  

    Again, I’ll give Debbie Bollinger credit for one thing, at least she got back to clients. Note that this missive is signed by both the attorney Mr. Georgi Dobrev and Valeri Kamenov.

            Rob And Sue:

I am checking Denise’s voice and e-mail for her in her absence.  I am responding to the voicemail.  If you sent an email to Denise’s MSN address, please note it is not working properly, only the AOL address is functional at this time.  I am sending you a letter Valeri just sent this morning in response to questions Denise had asked him about the Bulgarian Adoptions.  Denise will be in the office tomorrow if you wish to speak to her.  Please hang in there.  I hope this helps.



The adoptions in Bulgaria are not stopped.  The administrative and court procedures for all our families are continuing.  The cases are moving normally.  At this time, there are problems only with the arriving families Atkinson, Corrigan and Zoldak.  This is because the documents that they need to get a viza are in the police for check.  We think that we will get this documents back next week, and than we will be able to make the travel schedule for them.

We asked the families to delay thair trips because now there is a check in the orphanages.  After this check is finished we can continue with the visits of families.

This is a big check, and this is not against Building Blocks.  All our documents and cases are perfect and we are not worried about it.  All cases will finish.  The programme is continuing to work.  There is no reason to be worried.

Next week we will do everything possible to get back the documents and cases of the families Atkinson, Corrigan and Zoldak and we will organize thair trips.

Next week if we need your help through the American Consulate and Rick we will contact you immiediately.  Do not call them for now!!  Here will be fine.  

If we have problems we will ask for your help.  I think it is not usefull to contact through the telephone.  This is not needed.  I do not speak English and the contact will not be usefull.

Please relax.  We have to let them do this check.  The adoptions are not stopped and thay will not stop.  Please relax all the families.  It is not necessary for them to call anywhere. 

You can send this letter to all the families.  Best regards:

Attorney Georgi Dobrev and Valeri Kamenov

    Here is our take on the above. We do know that some families were in Bulgaria at that time on their first visit to meet their children. 

    A client with another agency told me that their first visit was strained. The orphanage directors at the other “unaffected” orphanages were under a lot of stress. The family begged and pleaded to be allowed to spend more time with their very ill daughter and won out. There was concern about “the police” investigating the records, that is true.  

    But, somebody posted to the EEAC Bulgaria list with information from their Bulgarian attorney stating for a fact that “it is not true at all that adoptions have halted in Bulgaria.” And one client of Adopt An Angel was leaving and had not had her pickup date delayed at all. But the concern and fear remained. 

    We do find it curious that Mr. Dobrev and Mr. Kamenov mention “Rick” (a/k/a Richard J. Marco Jr.) and contacting the American consulate. The only time that Daniel ever spoke on the telephone with Mr. Marco (and this was back in summer 2000), Mr. Marco told Daniel he did not have much to do with Building Blocks.  

    This was an obvious lie, something we’ve come to expect from him. 

    We later learned that Rick Marco had traveled with the first BBAS family to Kurjali when they made their first trip; he would make the journey to Bulgaria at least three or four more times in the period between September 2000 and April 2001. 

    If he wasn’t involved in the agency, why the hands-on interest in Bulgaria? Why have Richard J. Marco travel back and forth to Bulgaria over agency problems, in a country where he was neither an attorney nor familiar with the law (to say nothing of the language and culture)? What was behind all this?

    And read BBAS’s board minutes if you haven’t clicked on the link already. He attends them regularly and seems to be quite involved in the running of the business. The only person other than Denise, we might add.

    Sue Corrigan and I emailed one another back and forth. We both wondered about “the mysterious Zoldaks” and who they might be. Another “invisible” client of BBAS, probably choked into compliance by the wait and Denise’s lies. 

    We never did find out who “the mysterious Zoldaks” were, or what their take was on this travel delay.

    By Monday, Feb. 26, Dr. Panova was back in the office in Buzovgrad, but her office was still sealed up. No word about Burgas or Kurjali, however.

    Totally fed up, lied to and spit on over the stories being tossed their way, the Corrigans again went against BBAS company policy and posted to the EEAC list on Feb. 26, 2001:

Hello to the group: I sit here speechless as we were to leave tomorrow for our journey to Bulgaria.  We may need to delay.  The situation seems to be up in the air.  Is anyone else having this problem aside from the earlier poster and I regarding trip delays?

I can’t believe another delay has occurred.  We are beginning to feel doomed.  We have a 7 y/o son who feels his sister will never come home.  I just wish there was more information.  Does anyone have more info?

Thanks, Sue Corrigan

    Guess what arrived within minutes of this hitting the EEAC Bulgaria list?  An email from the leader of THE BLOCKS: Denise Hubbard. It is a classic Denise email with the “question statements” she used when she was losing control of the situation.    

    Nothing like taking it to the public for a quick response from the leader of THE BLOCKS.  And again the warning: don’t post to the boards!  They are no help whatsoever!


I spoke with Rob, I guess I am confused?  He advised you are to be in Bulgaria 3/6?  Tomorrow is 2/27?

Also I have advised Rob of all the info.  The boards will not help, since families have been advised NOT to post on the Internet due to foreign officials reading posts.

Have any other questions ask us.


    The Corrigans had repeatedly asked questions of the agency and all they got in return was more half-truths or put-offs. They received more help from their fellow adoptive parents using other agencies than they ever did from the staff at Building Blocks.  

    If indeed the Bulgarians were monitoring the email list (many have said they do — we don’t know for sure), why didn’t they respond privately to the Corrigans instead of Denise Hubbard?

    After having their court case delayed and having to cancel their flight reservations, the Corrigans were devastated by the latest turn of events.  

    Why had N’s adoption been dragged out so long? Why all the lies, the delays, the confusion about timelines? This had begun to affect their family as well, a situation we were all too familiar with ourselves.  

    In response to the above titled “Post” from Denise, Sue let her have it about the b.s. on posting publicly. I hasten to add that the Corrigans had not told BBAS about their Ukrainian son’s adoption, and were walking on eggshells with regards to his being part of their family:


We have intensely complicated travel arrangements due to unusual circumstances.  We are to begin our journey tomorrow nite.  I do not feel that we have gotten enough info.  The only reason we know about this problem was reading it on the list serv.  This has been my main source of support and information.  It sounds like N will not be able to leave as planned.

We need to know more definite info by tomorrow.  This is a major crisis in our home.  I am beginning to doubt that this will ever complete.  The Bulgarian monitors have seen nothing but questions and seekers of truth and support on the LISTSERV, so I do not fear retribution.  It is not wrong to ask questions and give answers.  I only fear those who are not up front about issues. 

Please let me know what other agencies have been affected specifically as it seems no one else is having this problem but Teri [Atkinson] and I.


    Fifteen minutes later, this is what Denise came up with answering Sue’s question about which agency: 

It is up to those agencies to explain to their clients what is going on.  I have been informed it was an agency out of Alaska.  I have informed you of all information I receive.  Rob has been in constant communication with us.

I will advise as soon as I hear something else from Valeri.  Like I told Rob, If he has to cancel flights today, cancel them, if not try and wait until tomorrow to see if I hear from Valeri.  God Bless and Good Night – Best Regards.

    Wow. The caring response here to her devastated clients. Like it is just so easy and painless (and inexpensive) to cancel fights the day before you are set to travel to pick your child up (or, God forbid, the day of that trip) — the same child you haven’t held in your arms for over a year.  

    Wait, wait, wait, wait! Who was in control over there? 

    The information about the “agency out of Alaska” was the information that had been published in the Bulgarian press, sanitized and passed along by the Kamenovs.  

    Denise, to our knowledge, neither speaks nor reads Bulgarian (and probably never will, given that English seems to be hard enough as it is for her judging from her emails); and hence, may not have even looked at the stories herself. 

    If she was so on top of things, she would have had information — or, God forbid — contacted the “adoption agency” out of Alaska to verify that their clients were having their trips canceled as well.  

    Which, as you know, was not the case.

   Denise couldn’t even answer the questions the Corrigans had about the reasons for these delays. Sue emailed her on Feb. 27 and asked for the main reasons for the delays. Was it the photolisting problem, the problem with Dr. Sabrutova or the allegations of illegal trafficking in children?

    Instead of answering these questions, this is what Denise callously sent back:

            Sue and Rob:

Rob as you instructed, I called and left you a message at your place of employment.  Considering your plans to leave the States earilier than planned, I suggest instead of waiting to go ahead and cancel your trip.  If you were going to leave next week when you are to arrive in Bulgaria, I would advise in waiting until the end of the week.  But since you planned an earlier departure, I think it is best to cancel your trip to Bulgaria.

I will advise of any changes, updates and new travel plans as soon as I receive the information.  Thank you for your time.  Best regards

    By this time, Denise had her money from the Corrigans for N’s adoption.  What did she care if they traveled or not?  What did she care if they had to cancel their trip for N? 

    No big deal for her to write — hey, go ahead and cancel! Next week is fine!  

    And as for her “calling and leaving a message” at Rob’s work, he attests that no call was ever received, nor any message passed along to him. The lack of information, the lies, the uncaring attitude towards the Corrigans’ feelings – it was and is unbelievable that such a person runs an adoption agency. 

    But Sue kept up the barrage, looking for answers.  She sent along an EEAC Bulgaria post from an Adopt An Angel client, the “adoption agency out of Alaska” whose photolisting had been used in the Standart article in January.  

    “Denise,” she wrote, “this woman is with an agency in Alaska and she is still traveling.  Why is it that only BBAS clients appear to be the only families not traveling? Do we need to contact the US Embassy for assistance?”  Nothing like tossing Denise’s misinformation back in her face.

    Denise again ignored these questions and glaring inconsistencies. She kept up the party line and told them that they should be getting their documents back the next week and perhaps be able to travel.  

    The checks, they were told, were “10 spot checked orphanages …brought on by the Internet adoption scam by the Bulgarian prosecutors.”

    Sue continued with the information war publicly on the EEAC Bulgaria list on Feb. 27, 2001. 

            Hello to the group:

It is with much sadness I report we are canceling our trip.  Has anyone else had to do this?  We are crushed.  Our first trip was January 2000 with our documents in hand.  It has been held up and help up.  I could use some encouragement.  I don’t know if this is wide spread or just limited to a few locations.  Thanks to all of you.  Sue

    Again, the fellow adoptive parents pulled through for the Corrigans, adding their voices of support and weeping along with them over the delay in N’s homecoming.

    By March 1 there was still no word about when they could travel for N.  The documents, according to Valeri through Denise, had not been released yet.

    However, even if the documents had been released, the orphanage (Burgas) was still being investigated.  What had Dr. Sabrutova done over there in her institution?

    By March 3, Denise was still lying about calling Rob’s place of employment.  She had also ceased to speak to Sue, her “offensive” tactic in dealing with the husbands when the going got tough, after having ripped the hearts out of the wives.


We called your place of employment and left a message.  Valeri advised that the police told him to come back in 20 days to get your documents.  I will keep you updated.  I will also be talking to Valeri on Sunday afternoon.

We are composing a letter that we would like for you to send to specific people in Bulgaria that will show your willingness to come to Bulgaria as soon as they release N’s papers.  Have a good weekend.

    This email is insensitive and unhelpful. Sue was incensed — yet again — and responded to Denise (note how she signs her email), barraging her with questions:

            Saturday, March 3, 2001:


Please keep both of us informed.  There was no message on Rob’s voicemail.  Rob travels so it is best to send an email so information can be clearly understood by both of us.  Rob tells me that you are planning not to speak with me any more.  Also please do not compose a letter for us to send as we will compose our own letter if we feel it is warranted…

Needless to say, we remain ever disappointed in everything.  Communication is totally inadequate and we are pleading with you to improve it.  Why are our documents being held and why is it other agencies are traveling but we can’t?

If she [N] is legally our daughter – how can she be held?

We remain distressed.  Are the other families having the same problem or is it just us?  Please respond at your earliest convenience.

Rob [and his wife]

    Two days later, we got this email from Rob Corrigan, entitled: “Update from the War Room:”

I spoke with Denise Hubbard this morning while she was having an interactive/internet chat with Valeri & Vlady.  She apologized for not getting back to us this weekend…She called me so she could ask Valeri any questions I had while I was on the telephone.  We made small talk when she typed and waited for his reply.  I found out the following:


-         the police are telling Valeri they have not found anything wrong with our documents or the adoption process for our children.  However, they are not giving him any reason why they are still holding the documents;

-         Valeri does not know how long it will be before we can get our documents.  When I asked him this, his response was “it could be 20 days or 200 days.”

-         Our small talk centered around how frustrated Valeri is with this whole situation.  According to Denise, he is frustrated at the treatment he is receiving from the police and the fact that people (read us) are doubting what he is telling us about what is going on;

-         BBAS is sending their lawyer (Rick Marco) over to Bulgaria this weekend to find out first hand what is going on.  He reportedly will try to meet with the US Embassy, MOJ, police investigating the case, as well as George Dobrev and Valeri.  Denise said Valeri is not happy about Rick coming over, but she feels she needs to find out what is going on more directly;

-         BBAS has written to the MOJ, US Embassy, and Jason Lawrence who is supposed to be the person responsible for helping American citizens resolve problems in Bulgaria.

-         She asked the families waiting to pick up their children (read us) to also write to the US Embassy…I was also going to send emails to several powerful Illinois congressmen to ask for support, but Denise said Valeri recommends against that because the Bulgarians interpret it as the USA trying to tell them what do do…

-         Denise said she talked with families with other agencies that have also been delayed from picking up their children and with families that went to Bulgaria to meet their adopted children and were told to go home.


I cannot vouch for the accuracy of all of these statements except that they reflect what I heard and jotted down.  While this is all very disappointing and frustrating for all of us, my intention is to strictly pass on the information I have received from BBAS.  Please let me know what you hear so we can all make informed choices.

    Daniel and I let Rob know what we thought. We thought that Valeri was really angry that Rick was ready to come over and step on his turf in Bulgaria; we thought that Denise was lying through her teeth about speaking to families of other agencies having delays.

    Why not speak directly with the agencies themselves?  I did, and they didn’t tell me anything about trip or pick up delays or families being told to “go home.”  

    Maybe some had — but if that were the case, they were tight-lipped about it. We thought it odd that Valeri didn’t want U.S. congressmen involved — and who really cared what the Bulgarians thought at that moment?  

    The Corrigans had paid for this adoption, so it was Valeri and BBAS’s duty to help them in any and every way that they could. 

    Daniel and I felt that there was a new tension and mistrust between Valeri, Denise and Rick Marco over the adoption program. Somebody had stepped in something and was trying like hell to wipe it off their shoes.

    N Corrigan was a pawn in all of this. As, indeed, we all had always been.

    Once again, BBAS’s esteemed “Corporate Attorney” was involved. We really hope this guy is well paid for cleaning up, or rather attempting to clean up, Denise’s Hubbard’s adoption SNAFUs. 

    He sent the following out to the Corrigans on March 7 (more importantly, had he actually gotten an email address of his own?  This was sent out via one of Denise’s email addresses:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Corrigan: 

As you may or may not be aware, I represent Building Blocks Adoption Service, Inc.  Denise Hubbard has asked that I become involved in the Bulgaria situation.  I have reviewed all the e-mails.  The Bulgarian representatives of BBAS continue to state that all documents are complete, accurate and processable.  Unfortunately, the police have taken temporary possession of them as part of an investigation.  I am told that the investigation does not involve BBAS or the Bulgarian representatives but does involved the orphanage.  We have requested a return of your documents to complete the adoption. 

It is my intention to travel to Bulgaria on Saturday [March 10, 2001] to deal with your adoption and two others.  I will provide daily updates.  It is my opinion that the adoptions will be completed as the court decree is final.  Our attorney concurs.  I have already contacted the American Embassy and will continue to push that avenue.  I have also requested through BBAS that meetings be arranged with the Ministry of Justice.  All individuals concur that the adoption is delayed and nothing further.  BBAS will focus its resources on completing your adoption and uniting you with your child.         

I certainly understand if it is difficult to be patient at a time like this.  I am most impatient and upset with the actions of the police.  I will use every opportunity to remind them of the humanitarian impact their actions have had on your family and other families.  No one has done anything wrong and the treatment is undeserved.

In the event that I find my efforts to be fruitless to speed up the return of your documents, I will contact you directly and we can discuss the next step in the process which will be to attack through the Bulgarian courts and through  pressure of the U.S. Government.  I hope we will not need to do this but we will do whatever is necessary.

Please be patient for a little while longer.  I can be contacted at [redacted] if you desire to contact me in person.

Very truly Yours – Richard Marco, Jr.

    We are in agreement with Mr. Marco on a few things — the impact on the families, impatience and his willingness to “attack” and “pressure” the governments of Bulgaria and the United States.  

    However, if it did indeed “involve the orphanage” (which to a large extent it did), meaning Burgas, why were the Atkinsons delayed as well?  Their son was in Buzovgrad.

    How many other Burgas/BBAS families children were being hurt by this?  How many children was Dr. Sabrutova pushing through BBAS for adoption? Was there some financial arrangement between her and Valeri Kamenov for each child she placed with a BBAS family that was causing these problems?

    The Corrigans were entirely upset by this letter.  What was going on?  

    Why get Richard J. Marco Jr. involved in all this?  What happened in Bulgaria, and who did he see?

    We still don’t know. We’d like to.

    They again posted to the EEAC Bulgaria list, again naming our and their agency.  And again hit Denise for the “four-month wait” and the investigation.

    Then, suddenly, they broke through.  They were given a pickup date, after all the back and forth, the fear, the excuses.  Rob emailed us the following on Friday, March 9.  

    The conversation he had had with Denise had been an entirely odd one.  Read on:

[Denise] called me today to inform me that we can travel the last week in March to get N.  It was an odd call because she was exceptionally businesslike and unemotional.  After all we’ve been through (including her), I expected her to be relieved, happy, something.  Instead, when I asked what changed, she said (and I’m paraphrasing here) “nothing changed, the police returned all of the documents for BBAS clients and you can travel to get your daughter.”  Then I felt like she wanted to get off the phone…it made me feel like something went wrong and she doesn’t want to discuss it.  It makes me concerned for the other BBAS clients coming behind us…You were correct, [Valeri] was not happy about rock n’ roll Rick coming for a disco visit this weekend.

We need to focus on resurrecting our travel plans this weekend, so forgive us if we are incognito for a couple of days.  Rob Corrigan.

    After all that, the Corrigans and their eldest son traveled to Bulgaria on March 19, 2001 and returned home in early April with a comical and happy N.  

    They reported that their trip to Bulgaria was a good one, the staff at the Hotel Rotasar was excellent as it had been for us. 

    They also said that, unlike for Anguel, the caregiver did come out and hand N over to them and that N was very, very attached to her.  

    They made mention of the fact that Dr. Sabrutova was there, dressed exceedingly well, her hair and makeup done. 

    Another woman was there, as well as a “thin woman” who was checking papers closely.  She appeared to be there in some official capacity — the Corrigans couldn’t figure out who she was or what her role was.

    From the sound of it, it looked like Dr. Sabrutova had her feet to the fire. Sue did say that on their way to Burgas and from there, they made stops at Buzovgrad, which is well out of the way. 

    N didn’t like that too much. Why two stops to Buzovgrad by Valeri? That was an odd detour to make.

    All in all, they Corrigans, N, and their sons are doing well as a family.  All of us still keep in contact.  

    It may sound strange for me to end with N’s pickup so brief, but it is not my story to share. 

    But for Sue and Rob Corrigan, Denise Hubbard remained in their life like a bad cold, even as N was safely at home.  

    It began almost immediately. A friend of Sue’s had signed on with BBAS way back in the beginning.  

    This woman had traveled in August 2000 for a first visit to Buzovgrad for a boy, and had made another visit to Bulgaria, this time to Burgas in December 2000 for another boy. She signed up with BBAS on the spot after she had asked Sue about which agency she was then using.

    The woman has had a better relationship with Denise than Sue and I ultimately did. But Denise wasn’t going to let the Corrigans off the hook so easily.  

    As soon as N was home,  Denise began badmouthing Sue to her friend and fellow BBAS client. Denise knew about the Corrigans’ second adoption from Ukraine (and it certainly wasn’t through us) and rubbed it in her face.  

    Denise told Sue’s friend that the Corrigans had “broken the contract” by adopting the child from Ukraine independently (read  Section 11 of the BBAS July 2000 contract) Sue’s friend found this banter insulting and underhanded and told Denise to cool it.

    But Sue let Our Leader in Ohio have it right afterwards when they got home from Bulgaria with N. Denise, in her “I am a caring agency director” mode, sent her this email on April 13:

            Sue and Rob:

I just wanted to drop you a note and welcome you home and wish you all and your new daughter and son the happiest of holidays ever!  God bless and congratulations.

    Notice the “and son.” The holiday she was referring to was Easter.  

    Instead of going along with the “post-adoptive happy amnesiac parent” role, Sue slammed her back, using better and calmer language than we could have: 

Denise – I find this message from you difficult.  I have heard you have spoken badly of me to a dear friend (who is with BBAS upon my referral).  I think this is uncalled for.  I think that you feel we should feel some sort of appreciation. 

You greatly misled us on the time frame and your capability for us to adopt 2 children.  We called BBAS because we were interested in Russia.  You swayed us with your presentation of Bulgaria.  We would have never agreed to this had we even thought it would have taken even 6 months.  We very much wanted an infant, we told you no older than 16 months… 

You have caused me more disappointment and heartache than you can imagine.  It has NOTHING to do with Bulgaria or the time it took.  It was YOU and the way you treated us.  You “sold” us on a program that was too new.  I was too new in the Adoption World to ask the right questions.  So please do not say mean things about me to my friends or anyone.

As far as I am concerned, you have let me down numerous times.  I will be very careful who I trust in the future.

    Denise had the temerity to respond to this message.  It seems that her persona of “A Good Christian Woman Making Homes for God’s Orphan Children” was in jeopardy.  

    The Corrigans were supposed to be gushing in thanks for the wonderful job that she had done in helping them adopt N!  How could Sue and Rob Corrigan be angry at her?  Didn’t they realize how sincere she was in finding “loving homes”?

            Susan and Rob:

I apologize for your sadness.  My only intention was to bring children in need of a loving home with parents who will love them forever.  I wish you much happiness in the future with your children.

How is N?  Is she bonding well with you?  Can I assist in anyway?  Thank you for writing.  Your comments will be taken seriously.  Thank you.

God Bless and have a safe and happy holiday.

    “Your comments will be taken seriously.”  Yeah, right. Poor Denise.  Her concern for N Corrigan and the family just dripped off this. (Like she took the state’s comments seriously, even!)

    But it didn’t end there!  No way! 

    Later in the month, Sue requested a BBAS newsletter as a souvenir of N’s homecoming. N was mentioned in it as arriving home.  

    I don’t know, because we didn’t get a copy (surprise surprise).  This is what Denise sent them (in her old capacity as Executive Arch Liar):

All the newsletters were sent out by the printer.  You were on the list.  Some others did not get them also.  We are changing printers, I do apologize.  I will personally make sure you get the next one!

How is N?  How is A and N?  I hope all is going well and everyone is adjusting? 

God Bless!  Please if you need anything, please ask!  Congratulations on your new wonderful family.  N is blessed to have you!!!!!!

    Gosh, I am wiping the tears away as I type this out.  Then on May 18, Denise sent them this: “Good day!  Hope all is going well!  Just a note to see how N is?  Hoping she is well.  God Bless!”

    She also sent a note on the same day claiming that “the printer advised the newsletters were all sent. No extras left.  I have requested the new printer to send you the next newsletter.  How’s N?  She ok?  Concerned you have not mentioned her?”

    If the Corrigans didn’t mention any information about N, it meant that they didn’t want Denise or anybody else to know N’s business. N was their child and it was not up to them to fill Denise Hubbard in on her well-being and care for it was none of Denise Hubbard’s business.

    She just couldn’t let well enough be. Perhaps she was sad that Sue wasn’t all over the Internet proclaiming what a gift from God N was and how thankful she was to the agency that had helped bring her home.

    Sue, fed up and insulted by these silly, hurt-sounding notes, slammed her again on May 19:

Why is it you keep asking these questions?  It is obvious, we are never going to answer them, just as you never send the newsletter.  We have asked nicely many times for a copy and now have an explanation why (for the child) but still you could not even send a newsletter.  You are and have been so lousy to us.  You have made us more than miserable for years.  We are so sorry we have had anything to do with you.  We made a very bad decision to go with Building Blocks.

I guess it would be best for you to stop sending e-mails to us.  Unless you want to be nice, it would be best to leave us alone and go away.  Your nosy ways annoy us and it is no business of yours as to how we are doing.  We know you don’t care and you are hassling us.  Now – please stop and leave us be.  Corrigans.

    Sue sent it to us and Daniel and I sat giving her power salutes. Boy oh boy, slamming Denise for her faux caring ways and hitting her on the head with her bad behavior and lies from the very beginning.  

    But, do you think Denise was going to leave them be after this?  Heck no!

    The woman didn’t know what the phrase “please stop and leave us be” meant. Did she really think that she could be Sue and Rob’s “pal” once again? 

    Like she really cared about N. Like she had really cared about Cyril and the two families who dissolved their adoptions.

    This is actually pretty funny, considering this is the same woman whose last words spoken to us ever were “I don’t need anything from you!” followed by the phone slamming down.

    Denise replied later that day (note the “Mr and Mrs Corrigan” — no more Christian names when she was mad at you!):

            Mr. and Mrs. Corrigan:

We are sorry you feel this way.  We do care.  We do care how N is doing.  We love children.  N is such a sweet girl.  We just want to make sure she is ok.  I want to make sure your ok.  Bringing a new child into a family can be stressful and we want to make sure we are here to help if you so desire.

We apologize if this bothers you.  I am a sincere, caring person.  I am sorry for the way things turned out.  I do wish you much love, happiness and a good life with your new family.

Once Debbie gets back to work….I will have her locate a copy of the newsletter or contact the printer and see if they can copy it if they still have it on file.

If you prefer no more communication with us, that is fine and I understand, but it saddens me.  Just advise and we will not send any communication other than the necessary process.  God Bless You all.

    Oh, let me reach again for my tissue!  Poor, poor, misunderstood Denise!  Boo hoo hoo!  

    But, again, she lied.  She would continue to contact Sue and Rob Corrigan through email.  What part of “don’t hassle us” didn’t Denise Hubbard understand? (We bet that if the Corrigans had offered her money to leave them alone, she would have done it in a heartbeat).

    The latest from Denise Hubbard came on Sept. 20, 2001, titled “Kids,” most likely in response to the World Trade Center terrorist attack of the week before. We told Sue that she should contact the Medina city police department and file a complaint for interstate telephone harassment. 

Rob and Sue

Just wanted to drop you a line and say I am happy the kids are doing great.  I hope you and your loved ones are safe and ok from last weeks horrific disaster.  May God Bless all of you!

If you need anything please ask :)

    In response, Sue sent out the following specifically requesting Denise to stop emailing her and her family:

Stop sending me e mails -- that is my only request. Stay out of my life. You have been terrible to me and I have asked you before -- leave us alone, thank you.

    Get out your tissue again. Denise’s response to this:

        Have a great night.

Sorry your upset, this was not my intention. Just wanted to wish you well

God Bless

    Our leader in Medina just didn’t get it.  The only well-wishing she wanted from the Corrigans was a pat on the back.  

    I hope that this is the last email that Denise Hubbard ever sends this family. Unbelievable.

    But of course, that wasn’t meant to be.  Sue still reports that the agency sends them birthday cards and anniversary cards in the mail (as, believe it or not, it does us). And the newsletter, now written by a BBAS adoptive parent.

    Sue again had to tell Denise to cease and desist, so the jury’s still out if Denise has gotten the point. After reading this website, it may yet sink in.

    As for Sue, Rob, their eldest son, their son from Ukraine, and N, I am happy to report that they are blending in well as a family and are enjoying family life.  

    Again, as it should be.  We continue to be in email contact and will most likely be for many years. 

    All’s well that ends well — or but why the hell of dealing with this adoption agency?

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