Home Page

*Updated December 28, 1997*


Battlezone is a musical group in the vain of classic heavy metal with hints of progressive metal and power metal laid throughout the music. I have dedicated this page to the heavy metal group Battlezone for two reasons: One, they were one of the greatest talents to grace the metal scene, coming out with two great albums. And Two, because I searched everywhere on the web and Battlezone is virtually mentioned nowhere.

Paul Di'Anno's (lead vocalist) awesome voice, some great riffs, and inspired song writing really put their two albums above the rest. It's really a shame they only released two albums.

(*Note that this page is constantly under construction. If you have any ideas to make this page better, please e-mail me at the address below.)

Choose your liking:

History of Battlezone

Discography And Reviews

Other Di'Anno Projects


Links Of Steel

Where To Get Battlezone Albums?

Thanks To . . .

If you have any questions, comments, info, corrections, life stories, whatever(!), e-mail me at

Copyright © 1997 by Will Kooiker.

The This Metal Ring site is owned by Defender's Battlezone (Paul Di'Anno) Homepage.

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