On a cold and windy Minnesota day....the C-161 came home to stay.


"That's a great tractor", Phillip was heard to say....But Luke shook his head as he walked away


Now Luke, he's a real sentimental kid.

And I'll tell you the story of what he did.

He went to his own trusty 704...gave it a pat on the hood...wait folks there's more.

He jumped in the seat..shook his fist in the air.

He said, "You might be bigger, but I don't care."


"You better get ready", he yelled. "Cuz you're in for a shock....I'm about to push you 3 times 'round the block!!"

Now Dad heard the threat I'm afraid to say...

He ran out and yelled "Luke that's no way to play!"

Now, I figured that there would be new rules made.....but Dad jumped on his tractor and put them blade to blade.

Phillip stood in the middle with his hands raised in the air.

"No cheating ", he yelled. "This has to be fair"

What would have happened next we'll never know...

Because it started to storm before Phillip said GO.

So the horses got put away for the night..

And that sort of put an end to the fight.

Because once inside, Luke began to chill out

And a smile came on his face in place of the pout.

So things are cool now between tractor and boy....

that is..until Dad brings home another new toy!!!



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