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Evan on his cross-country skis  

     Here's Evan in a ski race in high school. He raced as part of a school team in his senior year, after several years of racing marathon distances in citizen races. He'd waited a long time before they'd let him ski the short course in the Birkiebeiner----13 years old is the minimum age for that one. Didn't take him long to be much faster than his old man, and in our last race together, north of Thunder Bay, Ontario, several years ago, he took a long nap after he was done, while waiting for the old fella to finally cross the finish line.
    When he was only three years old, he'd put on his own ski gear, strap on the boards, and head out on his own, too impatient to wait for the rest of the family. We'd all ski together for a little while, then his mama would take him and his brothers back in the house, while I took off for a couple more hours in the woods, on my own. Evan wasn't very old when he asked me if he could come along, on the big hills in the deep woods. He got real good at backcountry skiing, but he can also keep up with the best of 'em on groomed skate-ski race trails.
    His skiing helped his distance running as well, especially during the spring track seasons, where he showed how strong he could get by staying active each winter.

Evan running cross-country  

    Evan ran with good teams for his first couple of years in high school, before his brother Matt graduated. They even ran together at the State Meet, where the team placed third in their division.

Evan at a year and a half, enjoying the spring thaw  

    When Evan was three years old we took a couple of family trips--- to the Gulf Coast of Texas, and Disneyland, in California. Here's a couple of pictures of Evan, at each of these locations. Enjoying the sand  
     With brother Matt  

     Evan was good at growing things, even as a boy. Here he's pictured With a pumpkin from his garden

    He was also good at making things. Here he's riding his homemade Pushcar, with help from Matt

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Warren Slocum
2220 122nd St. New Richmond, Wisconsin 54017
Phone: (715)248-3150,  Email: 