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All da Slocum boyz with the snow sled from Christmas 2006  

Here's a Holiday picture of me and my three sons. Nice to see 'em all together again sometimes, since they're grown up and have flown the nest of home. Matt's a professional jazz drummer, who's been living and working in L.A., but who's recently relocated to the Big Apple, to be part of the music on that side of the country. Evan's also in New York, working in the Brooklyn parks, where he startd as an Assistant Gardener, before switching to tree trimming. Alec's at college in Madison.     In age, Matt and Evan are separated by two years, and Alec's 4 years younger than Evan. Matt and Evan spent a couple of years in high school together, but Alec was on his own that way. All the boys are good distance runners, and get competitive with each other that way. Here's a great picture of Evan and Matt on the track.

    Growing up in rural Wisconsin, these were country boys to begin with. Here are Matt and Evan in the traditional tractor-tire sandbox of their youth.

Evan and Alec winter camping

           Evan made an igloo one winter, and the boys slept in it a 
couple of nights, nestled warmly inside their comfy sleeping bags.

Swinging into the Apple River  


    There are more pictures of Matt, Evan, and Alec on their respective pages. Check 'em out:

Matt's page


Evan's page


Alec's page


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Warren Slocum

2220 122nd St. New Richmond, Wisconsin 54017

Phone: (715)248-3150,  Email:  
