E16 parked across the street from Headquarters. We have an identical twin at 17's! Picture from Feb 18, 2005 of the workhorse! This rig is slated to be replaced this year.
1994 EOne Hush Pumper. This rig is equipped with a REAR engine. This cab is great and quiet! The bad thing is that because all the weight is towards the rear, the rig has a tendency to push while turning!
1984 E-One was in service at Engine 16 until 1994 when it was replaced by the Hush Pumper. For many years in stayed in the reserve fleet, working at the Acedemy and replacing rigs that were being repaired.
This ugly colored American LaFrance was in service until 1984.When the new E-One replced it, it stayed in the RFD for many years acting as a reserve rig.
Would you believe there are tools on here we still have and carry today! Look at the firehouse. Notice the bay door on the right hasn't been blocked in yet because no Battalion 1 here yet. Once he moved in, they made the door smaller. Truck 6 still hangs with us here!