Coast Guard Auxillary

Coast Guard Auxiliary Precedence List with thanks to Gary
Hartman (12-2002)
amended 12/2023
01-Auxiliary Distinguished Service Award (5/16" gold/silver stars)
miniature medal
02-Legion of Merit- miniature medal.
03-Transportation 9-11 Guardian Medal (5/16" gold/silver
04- Auxiliary Plaque of Merit (was Plaque of Merit "A"
Award) (5/16" gold/silver stars) miniature medal
05-Auxiliary Meritorious Service Award (5/16" gold/silver stars,
Letter "O") miniature medal
06-Award of Operational Merit (was Certificate of Operation
Merit "B" Awd.) (5/16" gold/silver stars) miniature medal
07-Auxiliary Commendation (was Award of Admin. Merit "C"
Award)(5/16" gold/silver stars) miniature medal
08-Transportation 9-11 Medal
09-Auxiliary Achievement Awd. (was Award of Merit) (5/16"
gold/silver stars, Letter "O") miniature medal
10-Auxiliary Commandant's Letter of Commendation Ribbon,"O" device
may be authorized if appropriate, miniature medal.
11-Sustained Auxiliary Service Award (3/16" bronze/silver stars,
Hourglass device) miniature medal
12-Commandant’s Letter of Commendation Ribbon
13-Coast Guard PUC
13-Secretary's [DOT] Outstanding Unit Award
14-USCG Unit Commendation (5/16" gold/silver stars, Letter "O")
15-USCG Meritorious Unit Commendation (5/16" gold stars, Letter "O")
16-USCG Meritorious Team Comm. (5/16" gold stars, Letter "O")
17-USCG Bicentennial Unit Commendation
18-Auxiliary Humanitarian Service Award (3/16" gold/silver
stars) miniature medal
19-D.o.T. 9-11 Ribbon
20-USCG Special Operations Service Ribbon (3/16" gold/silver stars)
21-Aux. Annual Service Performance Award Recruiting Service Award
(an "O" or "S" will be worn), miniature medal and ribbon, This was AMOS
Member Resources Award Ribbon (use 5/16" gold/silver stars)
22-USCG Recruiting Service Ribbon
23-Speciality Training Ribbon (3/16" gold/silver stars)
24-Marine Safety Training Ribbon
25-Operations Program Ribbon-(3/16" gold/silver stars)The E device
is authorized for wear on this ribbon to indicate the
individual is a Qualifications Examiner
miniature medal (was Vessel Crew Member)
26-Examiner Program Ribbon (3/16" gold/silver stars)(was Courtesy
Examiner) miniature medal
27-Instructor Program Ribbon (3/16" gold stars) miniature medal
28-Public Affairs Specialist Ribbon
29-Aux. Membership Svc. Awd. (3/16" bronze/silver stars) miniature
30-Auxiliary Flotilla Meritorious Achievement
31-Aux. Operations Service Award (use 3/16" bronze stars),
(depending on the type of service, an "O" or an "S" will be worn.),
miniature medal, Note that an
individual will only be allowed to wear one letter. Those entitled
to both will have to make a choice,
was AMOS Op. Unit Awd. (use
5/16" gold stars) Devices
32-Aux. Annual Service Performance Award Vessel
Examinations/Marine Dealer Visitation .(use 3/16" bronze stars),
(a "V" will be worn), uses miniature medal,
was AMOS Vessel Exam. Unit Awd. (used
5/16" gold stars)
33-Auxiliary Annual Service Performance Award Public
Education (use 3/16" bronze stars), (a "E" will be worn), miniature
was AMOS Public Ed. Unit Awd.(use
gold stars)
34- Coast Guard Auxiliary Excellence
All letters for C.G. Aux ribbons, including the V device are
to be silver.
the "E" and "S" device is to be the one as used on C.G.
Marksmanship ribbons. This means that all letter devices will be
1/4 inch 5/16" gold stars
Obsolete Ribbons
12-USCG Commandant's Letter of Comm.
28-Group Action Award (5/16" gold/silver stars, Letter
29-Air Observer/Pilot
30-Service Award
31-Foltilla C.M.E. Achievement
32-Flotilla Operations Achievement Award. [2nd Awd. Anchor (B), 5th
33-Flotilla P.E.C. Achievement [2nd Awd. Anchor (B), 5th (S)]
34-Flotilla Member Training Achievement [2nd Awd. Anchor (B), 5th
35-Flotilla Growth & Retention Achievement [2nd Awd. Anchor (B)]
36-Flotilla Public Relations Achievement [2nd Awd. Anchor (B), 5th
Devices no longer used, Numerals, Letter "X", Anchors.
There are four new Auxiliary Annual Service Performance Awards and
they will use the four old AMOS ribbons with additional
devices. Recipients of the old awards may continue to wear
them until earning the new awards (if they do) and will then wear
the new device. Multiple awards will be shown by use 3/16"
bronze stars. The AMOS awards used 5/16" gold stars, and
these (if earned) will be removed when the new devices are worn.
The announcement does not indicate the finish on the letter
devices, nor does it indicate if an individual earning both letter
devices on the Operations award may wear both or must choose one.
Combined with the new Auxiliary Letter of Commendation Award, this
means that there are now Coast Guard Auxiliary equivalents to all
Coast Guard non-combat decorations except the Legion of Merit.
The new Commandant's Letter of Appreciation Award ribbon has
also been referred to in official publications as the Commandant's
Letter of Commendation Award.
All four of the AMOS ribbons may be worn until a member earns the
new award.
The "old" ribbon is then replaced by the "new" ribbon. The
difference is shown by the fact that the new versions of the award
will all be worn with letters on them and the old ones without AND
multiple awards of the new awards are shown by 3/16" bronze stars
while the AMOS awards used 5/16" gold stars. Complicating
this is the fact that except for the "new" Auxiliary Recruiting
Service Award, the "new" ribbons have the same precedence as their
"old" equivalents.
Ribbons Precedence for
the Coast Guard Auxiliary
Personal Decorations
Auxiliary Distinguished Service Award
Auxiliary Legion of Merit
Transportation 9-11 Guardian Medal
Auxiliary Plaque of Merit
Auxiliary Meritorious Service Award
Auxiliary Award of Operational Merit
Auxiliary Commendation Award
Transportation 9-11 Medal
Auxiliary Achievement Award
Auxiliary Sustained Service Award
Auxiliary Commandant's Letter of Commendation
Coast Guard Presidential Unit Citation
Unit Awards
Secretary's (DOT) Outstanding Unit Award
Coast Guard Unit Commendation
Coast Guard Meritorious Unit Commendation
Coast Guard Meritorious Team Commendation
Auxiliary Group Action Award - discontinued/retired
Auxiliary Operational Excellence "E" Ribbon
Coast Guard Bicentennial Unit Commendation
Campaign and Service Awards
Auxiliary Humanitarian Service Award
Transportation 9-11 Ribbon
Special Operations Service Ribbon
Auxiliary Recruiting Service
Coast Guard Recruiting Service Ribbon
Auxiliary Specialty Training Ribbon
Auxiliary Operations Program Ribbon
Auxiliary Marine Safety Training Ribbon
Auxiliary Examiner Program Ribbon
Auxiliary Instructor Program Ribbon
Auxiliary Public Affairs Ribbon
Auxiliary Membership Service Award
Auxiliary Flotilla Meritorious Achievement
Auxiliary Examinations/Marine Dealer
Visitation Service
Auxiliary Public Education Service. Award.
Auxiliary Operations Service Award
Auxiliary AMOS Member Resource Unit Award - discontinued/retired
Auxiliary AMOS Vessel Examination Unit Award
- discontinued/retired
Auxiliary AMOS Public Education Unit Award - discontinued/retired
Auxiliary AMOS Operations Unit Award - discontinued/retired