Wolf-Brown/NS Meyer/Vanguard Charts
refer to Where did the numbers for ribbons
come from for an explanation on them.
Wolf Brown was a
military supply business that used to be located in New York City
and Los Angeles some years ago. They were a fine old company that
supplied various uniform accouterments including insignia,
ribbons, medals, belts and buckles, and even swords. They and N.S.
Meyer's were bought out by Vanguard ( https://www.vanguardmil.com/
and for their charts,
). AS OF 12/2017
The Wolf-Brown number system has evolved over
time, Vanguard still changes them from what they were, an
example is 5114, it is now a new and different ribbon
using the same number, thus the new one is 5114-V, the -V
means it is a Vanguard ribbon vs the older charts Wolf-Brown
ribbon which was a NM N.G. ribbon-5114.
- Wolf-Brown/Vanguard-1=3000-3232
- Wolf-Brown/Vanguard-2=3241-3422
- Wolf-Brown/Vanguard-3=3423-3634

- Wolf-Brown/Vanguard-4=3636-3715v

- Wolf-Brown/Vanguard-5=3716-4051

- Wolf-Brown/Vanguard-6=4052-5125

- Wolf-Brown/Vanguard-7=5126-5312

- Wolf-Brown/Vanguard-8=5313-7035

- Wolf-Brown/Vanguard-9=7036-8016