Welcome to KG
Routines & Safety
All About Me
Nursery Rhymes
Five Senses
Grandparent's Day

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Welcome to Kindergarten

The Kissing Hand

A must for the first day of school!  This story
is about a little raccoon named Chester.  He was
afraid to go to school on the first day, but his mom
had a special secret to share that made little
Chester feel much better!  The children
love this story and can't wait to share
the special secret with their moms.

Poems for follow-up activities:

Kissing Hand Poem
(author unknown)

A piece of me I give to you,
this special heart because
"I love you."
The heart is you, the hand is me,
it shows that we are
a family.

Kissing Hand

Here's a special thing to do
when I am scared of leaving you.
Hold my hand and kiss it here.
The kiss will help to keep you near.
It will help me through my day
so I can work and learn and play.
from: Mrs. Stewart's Kindergarten

For activities based on the book, "The Kissing Hand," visit these great sites:
Mrs. Nelson's Class
The Virtual Vine

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
by Bill Martin Jr. & John Archambault

A great book and DVD!  Make or color coconut trees.
Print out the letters of each child's name on the computer
in a fairly large fun font.  The child can cut out the letters
and glue down his/her name climbing up the coconut tree.
Great for beginning of the year name recognition and practice!
We follow up by watching the video on Friday - which is wonderful.
The story comes to life with a catchy tune that delights the children!

For some really great ideas to use with this story, check out this link:

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Routines & Safety

All About Me

The Birthday Child
By Rose Fyleman

Everything's been different,
All the day long.
Lovely things have happened,
Nothing has gone wrong.
Nobody has scolded me,
Everyone has smiled.
Isn't it delicious
To be a birthday child?


A Circle of Friends
author unknown

    We've joined together as classmates
    as the new year begins,
    A year full of learning
    while we become friends.
    We'll share and be kind
    as we work and we play,
    And our friendship will grow
    with each passing day.

Nursery Rhymes

Five Senses

Favorite Book to introduce this theme:

My Five Senses
by Aliki



For Seeing: 
Place 5 items on a tray.
Have the children watch as you name and hold up each item.
Next, ask them to close their eyes as you remove one of the items.
Children now try to recall each item to discover which item is missing.

For Smelling:
Use black plastic film canisters. 
Fill each bottle with an item for smelling, such as
coffee, peanut butter, cinnamon, mustard, pickles, ketchup, etc.
Children close their eyes as the teacher passes the bottle under their nose.
What is that smell????

For Hearing:
Make or purchase a tape of familiar sounds -
bell ringing, water running, birds chirping, toilet flushing, etc
Guess the sounds.

For Tasting:
On a paper plate for each child, place:
slice of lemon (sour)
salt (salty)
sugar (sweet)
bittersweet chocolate (bitter)
milk chocolate (sweet)

Predict the taste of each... then give each a try. 
The children aren't sure, of course, which is the salt and which is the sugar,
and are surprised by the bitter chocolate vs the sweet chocolate.
After we've tasted all, we try placing the SOUR lemon
in the sweet sugar - yum!  Lemonade!

For Touching:
Make a Feely Bag
Place various textured items in a cloth or paper bag. 
Children try to guess without looking - what's that I'm
feeling in the bag?



The Apple Tree
author unknown

Way up high in an apple tree,
I saw two eyes look at me.
I reached for an apple,
it started to squirm.
Oops! I found a wiggly worm.

Bake a Pie!
author unknown

Bake a pie, bake a pie, apple pie!
Roll out the dough in the wink of an eye.
Apples and sugar and cinnamon too.
Put it in the oven for me and you!


Autumn Leaves Are All Around
author unknown

Autumn leaves are all around ,
All around, all around.
Autumn leaves are all around,
What colors do you see?

Red and yellow, orange and brown,
orange and brown, orange and brown.
Red and yellow, orange and brown,
Falling gracefully.

author unknown

I rake the leaves into a pile,
And then I smile a great big smile!
I jump right in and roll around;
I just love leaves piled on the ground!

The Leaves of the Trees
Irmgard Guertges

The leaves of the trees turn orange and red,
orange and red, orange and red.
The leaves of the trees turn orange and red,
all through the town.

The leaves of the trees come tumbling down,
tumbling down, tumbling down.
The leaves of the trees come tumbling down,
all through the town.

The leaves on the ground go swish, swish, swish,
swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.
The leaves on the ground go swish, swish, swish,
all through the town.

In Autumn
author unknown

In autumn when the trees are brown
The little leaves come tumbling down
They do not make the slightest sound
But lie so quietly on the ground
Until the wind comes puffing by
And blows them off towards the sky.


Tune: I'm A Little Teapot

I'm a little scarecrow
Stuffed with hay,
Standing watch in my field all day.
When I see a crow
I like to shout:
"Hey, Mr. Crow, you'd better get out!"



Pumpkin Seeds
author unknown

One day I found two pumpkin seeds.
I planted one and pulled the weeds.
It sprouted roots and a big, long vine.
A pumpkin grew; I called it mine.
The pumpkin was quite round and fat.
(I really am quite proud of that.)
But there is something I'll admit,
that has me worried just a bit.
I ate the other seed, you see.
Now will it grow inside of me?

(I'm so relieved since I have found,
that pumpkins only grow in the ground!)

poem and poster/coloring pg @

Pumpkin Pumpkin
author unknown

Pumpkin, pumpkin, round and fat,
turned into a jack-o-lantern
just like that!

You'll want to visit:


by Shel Silverstein

The baby bat screamed out in fright,
“Turn on the dark, I’m afraid of the light!”




Five Fat Turkeys
author unknown

Five fat turkeys are we.
We slept all night in a tree.
When the cook came around,
We couldn't be found.
So that's why were here you see!
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!

Turkey Talk
author unknown

Gobble, gobble.
Who is that?
Turkey gobbler.
Big and fat!
Gobble, gobble.
What does he say?
Meet you on Thanksgiving Day!


Grandparent's Day

Just Grandpa and Me
by Mercer Meyer

We're Very Good Friends My Grandma and I
by P.K. Hallinan

We do this fingerplay and sing this song for our Grandparent's Day celebration.
Then, the Grandparent's help their grandchild (and any child close by who does not
have a visiting grandparent)  complete a picture showing something they enjoy doing
together...  going to the park, or fishing, or reading a story, etc.  I'm not sure who
enjoys this more, the children or the grandparents!  Finally, the Grandparents go down
 to our school cafeteria for refreshments and a chance to meet other grandparents.

Grandma's Glasses

(in soft voice)
These are Grandma's glasses
This is Grandma's hat
This is the way she folds her hands
and lays them in her lap.

(in deep "grandpa" voice)
These are Grandpa's glasses.

This is Grandpa's hat.
This is the way he folds his arms
and that is that.

Let's Go See Our Grandparents
(tune: Take Me Out to the Ballgame)

Let's go see our grandparents (motions - driving a car)
take us there for a while.
Mommy and Daddy both need a break!
(quickly cross arms in front, then snap back to sides for "break")
We'll play games and we'll stay up real late. (point to pretend watch on wrist)
Oh we want to thank our grandparents
for all the things that they do.
For it's time, to say you're the best (thumbs up!)
and that we love you! (hug self for love, then point to grandparents)


animated.gif (c) Kitty Roach