"Don't worry, it only hurts plants."
Spraying Agent Orange from a Polecat slick in 1969
One of the many missions of the 192nd AHC was "crop destruction"
by spraying Agent Orange. Many rice paddies in jungle areas had been
abandoned by the farmers. The rice continued to grow wild, allowing
Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army men to harvest the rice at night.
Denying the VC and NVA of a local food source forced them to transport
food or leave an area.
Standard crop dusting equipment, consisting of a large fiberglass
tank and aluminum spray booms were put into the Huey and then the
Agent Orange chemical was pumped in.
Agent Orange itself wasn't bad for humans, but sometimes contained
a very small amount of dioxin, a by-product of manufacturing. Dioxin
is one of the most dangerous toxins known to man, causing long-term
health problems, including cancer, birth defects, and death.
Photo by Jim Schueckler
flewhuey@FrontierNet.net 21Sep98