
Its Bass / Pike Season

This year I'm going for the Pike. The Chenango River is said to have them in it. We'll see.
Check out the new flies on the bottom of this page

Some Bass caught over the years
Its time to put the plastics in the water.

M and her Bass --- George and his walleye --- George with his Muskie

George's Gator - Ryder first and second fish ever!

2014 fishing season

Evan does it again -- geo & jeff on the jersey rig. nice.

The 2014 Chenango river trip
ALL Walleyes...

Jeffs fish --- Georges fish

On the bridge near the fishing hole --- Cast of the day award --- The end result

The newly tied flies.

Zonkers --- Mickey Finn Clouser --- Gumby Damm it --- Flipflop popper and Green bug

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