The Collection of Major George Bray III

18th Century Maps

The maps below are a part of Major Bray's collection.  You may click on them to enlarge the view to better see them.

This map, complete with butterflies, porcupine, and coats of arms, depicts the "Harbour of Chebucto and Town of Halifax". Halifax was founded in Nova Scotia in 1749, and this work was published in the July 1750 issue of The Gentleman's Magazine printed in London. It is attributed to Moses Harris,a naturalist and surveyor.

This map, showing the fortified city of Quebec, was published in The Universal Magazine printed in London in February 1759, prior to the arrival of Major General James Wolfe's army there.

This map of the River St. Lawrence by geographer T.Kitchin was published in The London Magazine of September 1759.

This map represents the British attack on Quebec on September 13, 1759. It was published in The Grand Magazine printed in London in October of that same year.

This page lasted updated: 21 March 2011