(some of)

      Galen's Nepal Pictures - Nagarkot

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Nagarkot is a small town on a hilltop east of Kathmandu and the closest place to Kathmandu that you
can see the Himalaya panorama, weather permitting.  The standard tourist thing to do is travel up to
Nagarkot in the afternoon and get a room to spend the night.  You get up in the pre dawn hours, find a
vantage point and watch as the sun rises and illuminates the mountains before the haze sets in with the
heat of the day.

Hillside View

From Nagarkot looking over the surrounding hills, some terraced for farming.

Afternoon View

Our hotel like many in the area had a rooftop lookout and this sign showing which peak is which.

The Sign


Next Morning

Dawn came misty and wet and it rained a few times that day.

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